Measuring the tourist's perspective on understanding the quality of space body with an emphasis on readability in Iranian bazaars. (Study case: Isfahan bazaar saria)
Subject Areas : Urban planning
Somayeh pahlevan
hossein soltanzadeh
farah habib
1 - PhD Student in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: angle analysis, historical bazaar saria of Isfahan, Isovist analysis, tourist's field of view, Spatial Quality,
Abstract :
The present study analyzes the entrance of Isfahan Bazaar saria with the aim of investigating the field of vision and the level of visual attractiveness as a place that a tourist encounters at the first glance, and evaluates the components of physical quality with an emphasis on It measures the field of view and the depth of the tourist's gaze angle. The main question of the research is what is the relationship between the tourist's point of view and the physical-spatial quality components in the direction of readability at the entrance of the historical bazaar of Isfahan? The answer to this question is proposed in the form of this hypothesis; It seems that the greater the field and the depth of the viewing angle, it has a greater effect on the legibility of the environment as one of the components of environmental quality.In the study of three categories of Saria (small, medium, large), it can be concluded that the length of the corridor, the model of the entrance (straight, broken or spiral), the location of the entrance (corner or middle of the longitudinal or transverse side), The shape of the yard (rectangular or square), the area of the yard in the plan can have an effect on the field of view of the tourist. But the tourist field of view, Isovist view and angle analysis in all cases have no direct relationship with readability as one of the components of the physical quality of space.Extended AbstractIntroduction: The present study analyzes the entrance of Isfahan Bazaar saria with the aim of investigating the field of vision and the level of visual attractiveness as a place that a tourist encounters at the first glance, and evaluates the components of physical quality with an emphasis on It measures the field of view and the depth of the tourist's gaze angle. The main question of the research is what is the relationship between the tourist's point of view and the physical-spatial quality components in the direction of readability at the entrance of the historical bazaar of Isfahan? The answer to this question is proposed in the form of this hypothesis; It seems that the greater the field and the depth of the viewing angle, it has a greater effect on the legibility of the environment as one of the components of environmental quality Methodology.Results and discussion: As a general result, it can be acknowledged that the observer's view from the Aizovist point of view does not have a direct relationship with readability as one of the components of the physical quality of the space. The vault of gifts is effective for attracting the unfamiliar audience (tourist) to that space, in the case that the short corridors show the current state of the palace for the audience with a passing glance and give him a general view of the palace. The longer the hallway is, the less the lines of sight are, and the attention is focused on the body of the hallway and the mind is involved in the analysis of the body and the spatial structure of the hallways, which multiply similar forms in the ceiling of the entrances leading to the mezzanine, the ceiling, and the vaults and details of the roof. Long-term Isovist view in the corridors, the direct connection between the states of the lines and the psychological states of the people, the parallel and parallel horizontal lines, even with the distance between them, with the help of the human eye, the principle of continuity, the straight and smooth line is understood and evoked. According to the prepared report and the software data about the angular analysis and the amount of rotation of the tourist in the environment, it was also proved to affect the understanding and readability. In all cases, direct paths have no direct relationship with the readability and appeal in the direction of attracting tourists. Why that the entrances that had a large rotation angle in the long corridors, the viewer is involved in the physical arrangement. The decorations protruding from the ceiling are effective in terms of depth and connection and the tourist's perspective and invite people to move in the space of the market. By being in the architectural space and seeing many layers in the horizontal and vertical view, the tourist will see different perspectives in the architectural space and will have a different understanding, this shows that the field of view alone is not enough to understand the environment.Conclusion: In the study of three categories of houses (small, medium, large), it can be concluded that the length of the corridor, the model of the entrance (straight, broken or spiral), the location of the entrance (corner or middle of the longitudinal or transverse side), The shape of the yard (rectangular or square), the area of the yard in the plan can have an effect on the field of view of the tourist. But the tourist field of view, Isovist view and angle analysis in all cases have no direct relationship with readability as one of the components of the physical quality of space.
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