Explain the appropriate context for the implementation of strategic plans in urban policy Emphasizing the theory of good urban governance
Subject Areas : Urban policy
gashtaseb kiani
korosh afzali
kermatolah ziari
1 - PhD Student in Urban Planning, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Urbanism, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman,Iran
3 - PhD in Urban Planning, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran
Keywords: feasibility, strategic plans, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Today, the atmosphere of third world cities, including Iran, has become a problematic atmosphere and has reduced the quality of life in the context of this space. Also, urban planning and management has not been able to be effective for the development of these spaces, so that the birth and problem-solving of these spaces has continued. One of the problems of urban planning in these cities is the lack of the necessary platform for the implementation and realization of new urban development plans and programs. So that these plans and programs are always faced with the phrase non-realization. These cases have led the process of urban management and planning in these cities from being development-oriented to being organization-oriented. Because of the problematic space and lack of context, urban planning cannot lead to the realization of urban development plans and can only organize the problems formed in the existing spatial context. One of these new urban development plans is the strategic plans that have been proposed in the time of modernity. Studies show that strategic plans cannot be achieved in the spatial context of Iranian cities and achieve their goals. The method of work in this research is grand theoretical or theoretical method; the present article tries to explain this issue. Findings of the article with the approach of hermeneutic phenomenology also show that the inconsistency of time-space and content is the most important factor in the failure of strategic plans in Iranian cities. As a result of this incompatibility, the spatial text of Iranian cities do not have the necessary context to read and convey the meaning (realization) of strategic plans. According to the underlying theory, a consistent spatial text is provided for the realization of strategic plans, by entering the era called modernity. While the spatial text of Iranian cities is formed under the influence of the transition between tradition and modernity, and this time in the next stage forms the phenomenon of spatial and content incompatibility, which causes the lack of ground for the realization of strategic plans for the development of Iranian cities.Extended abstractIntroduction: Today, the atmosphere of third world cities, including Iran, has become a problematic atmosphere and has reduced the quality of life in the context of this space. Also, urban planning and management has not been able to be effective for the development of these spaces, so that the birth and problem-solving of these spaces has continued. One of the problems of urban planning in these cities is the lack of the necessary platform for the implementation and realization of new urban development plans and programs. So that these plans and programs are always faced with the phrase non-realization. These cases have led the process of urban management and planning in these cities from being development-oriented to being organization-oriented. Because of the problematic space and lack of context, urban planning cannot lead to the realization of urban development plans and can only organize the problems formed in the existing spatial context. One of these new urban development plans is the strategic plans that have been proposed in the time of modernity. Studies show that strategic plans cannot be achieved in the spatial context of Iranian cities and achieve their goals.Methodology: The present study tries to explain the quality of the implementation of strategic plans in Iranian cities. In this regard, the basis of the explanation is based on the underlying theory. Because contextual theory can be a good way to understand a set of effective conditions and factors. Contextual theory was first developed in 1967 by Barbie Glasser and Alzelm Strauss and published in their famous book Discovery of Contextual Theory. The founders of this theory, criticizing the positivist method of the 1960s, based their theory on an interpretive approach. Unlike quantitative research, contextual theory does not begin with existing or deductive theory, but its primary purpose is to discover theory through data methodology because theory derived from data is closer to reality. Also, one of the most important advantages of data analysis in this theory is the definition of categories or the main causes based on raw data and the method of constant comparison between data in order to classify .Therefore (based on this theory), the present study first presents the desired data in the field of theoretical foundations, then through the method of hermeneutic phenomenology, the phenomenon of explaining the quality of the realization of strategic plans to finally be able to context Extract the appropriate (bed) for the implementation and realization of this phenomenon within the spatial context.Results and discussion: This section tries to analyze the time and space text (derived from it) in which the need to use strategic plans and the time and space in which our cities are located, comparatively. To determine the quality (how) of the spatial text that caused the phenomenon in the form of strategic plans, as well as the spatial text in which the cities of our country are located. Because this is how they themselves form their own phenomena. In fact, by explaining this issue (emerging temporal-spatial compatibility and spatial text), this section tries to explain the issue that the existing spatial text of our country's cities have the capacity to accept and then read and convey the meaning of emerging strategic plans or No? Because (according to the theoretical foundations of research) attention to the spatio-temporal compatibility of the plan (phenomenon) with the desired location (where it is to be implemented and realized), the requirements for success and quality of realization of a plan, program and pattern that should be considered when planning.Conclusion: Findings of the article with the approach of hermeneutic phenomenology also show that the inconsistency of time-space and content is the most important factor in the failure of strategic plans in Iranian cities. As a result of this incompatibility, the spatial text of Iranian cities do not have the necessary context to read and convey the meaning (realization) of strategic plans. According to the underlying theory, a consistent spatial text is provided for the realization of strategic plans, by entering the era called modernity. While the spatial text of Iranian cities is formed under the influence of the transition between tradition and modernity, and this time in the next stage forms the phenomenon of spatial and content incompatibility, which causes the lack of ground for the realization of strategic plans for the development of Iranian cities.