Title: Corona evaluation on the development of Android games and post-Crona community policy conditions (Case study of Arak city)
Subject Areas : Sustainable urban developmentyones gholami 1 * , ali mirzaei 2 , seyedeh fatemeh hashemi 3 , neda shafiee 4
1 - phd university of kashan
2 - student
3 - arak
4 - Master of Architecture
Keywords: Corona, Arak City, Pasacrona, Android games, urban dwellers,
Abstract :
Today, computer games have become one of the most demanded goods in the world, to the extent that it has surpassed the cinema industry in terms of income and is evolving and developing every year, now with the expansion of urbanization and increasing urban population, new means of communication They have changed the lifestyle of the city dwellers and it can even be said that they have created a new culture. So urban policy should be towards normalizing life and taking the city out of various crises. In the meantime, smartphones have played a very important role in changing the behavior of some citizens and have taken them out of the way of normal life to the point that they spend a lot of time with people of all ages. Android games that are installed on these devices have caused many teenagers and young people to turn to this tool to use Android games. Something that today has become a tool to achieve the goals of some countries to make them for the group, they send to a certain class or country. But the onset of the corona epidemic in late 2019 has led to widespread use of the tool by young people and adolescents. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine Android games in the Corona era and the possibilities of post-Corona, in addition to the problems of the Corona epidemic, what should be considered in urban policy. This study aims to evaluate the spread of computer games. Is in the corona and post-corona eras and the policy is transient towards the future. The research method is field and with the completion of 190 questionnaires, a one-sample t-test was used to analyze the data. And young people were approved by parents (significance level is less than 0.05) and parents believed that Corona caused children to use Android games a lot, which by reducing the distance from sports, physical fitness decreased and their social isolation increased. Has found and Android games have become a factor for their enjoyment. This is while they have stated that the rate of social interaction (with a coefficient of -2.07) is moderate (less than the desired limit, ie the number 3). Adolescents and young people in the post-corona are likely to return to normal playtime, and in the post-corona the possibility of normalizing social interaction, getting out of isolation, substituting healthy pleasures, physical fitness, and high-level control, and more. Is from the average. Extended Abstract Introduction: Today, computer games have become one of the most in-demand goods in the world, to the extent that they have surpassed the film industry in terms of income, and they are evolving and progressing every year. The new type of these games, called Android games that can be installed on smart phones, have become very popular. On the other hand, due to the effect that these games have on people, they have become tools to achieve the goals of some countries, which sometimes they are marketed to a specific group, class, or country. In December 2019, the outbreak of coronary heart disease (Covid 19) virus in Wuhan, China began, and from January 2020, it spread throughout the world, prompting the scientific community to react quickly, with various publications appearing within weeks of the first reported case. And dealt with this virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also called for home quarantine, school closures, telecommuting, cancellation of mass gatherings, cancellation or postponement of large conferences and meetings, non-use of public transportation, separation of the patient from other family members, and personal hygiene. Reduce the spread of the virus. In this situation, the smartphone brings people together with installed programs. Android games were one of the most popular of these applications, the fans of which were mostly teenagers. According to these explanations, the purpose of this article is the evaluation of Corona on the development of Android games and the social policy of citizens in Pasakrona (a case study of Arak). Methodology: The present research is descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose. Considering that the city of Arak, which has a population of 520,944 according to the 2016 census, the statistical population is all parents with adolescent and young children who, of course, live in the city of Arak, the sample size was 190 people. Collected randomly through online questionnaire and publication on social networks or sending links. To explain and analyze the data, Excel and one-sample t-test were used in SPSS software to examine the differences in the mean of each data. To measure the reliability of the research tool, Cronbach's alpha test was used, which was calculated separately for the two indicators in the corona and Pasakorona period in this study and is shown in Table 1-1. Approximately 93% of the respondents are between 30 and 50 years old, with the highest incidence of undergraduate and graduate fathers and the highest incidence of undergraduate mothers. It is the month, so we see that 75% of children have a personal mobile phone and tablet according to their family income, which may be the reason why the ownership of the gaming device has caused only 16.8% to play under 1 hour a day in terms of gaming, which is one of the reasons. Despite the high percentage of parents' literacy, it can be the number of children that only 16.3% of families had more than three children, and this children alone can be a factor in their tendency to play Android games. Results and discussion: Findings of the questionnaire show that the respondents, which are 190, are fathers and mothers with adolescent and young children, of which 71 fathers and 119 mothers have completed the questionnaire. We divided the parents who collaborated in this study into five age groups, and at the end, in terms of age, 7 people are under thirty years old, 93 people are between thirty and forty years old, 84 people are between forty to fifty years old, 5 people are fifty to sixty years old, and 1 person is over sixty years old. In the corona dimension, we asked questions that in the field of changing habits and increasing playing time, corona and social isolation and tendency to play, the amount of enjoyment of the game, reducing physical fitness during the corona, all of the above variables indicate that with the average There is a difference and it is much higher than the average. In the variables of the rate of social interaction during the corona, it shows a low tendency of this average to be lower. In the corona variable, increasing the playing time and lack of self-control indicates that the variable is average. In the variable of exercise during the corona, it also shows a large difference between the average and less than the average. These conditions indicate the confirmation of the first hypothesis of the research. According to the data of the post-corona index and in the opinion of the parents, the probability that in the post-corona variable the probability of normalization of playing time in the post-corona indicates the average of the variable. Also, the variables of normalization of social interaction, getting out of isolation, substituting healthy pleasures instead of Android games, physical fitness and self-control all show that they are very different from the average and the amount of these results is higher than the average.These cases also confirm the second hypothesis of the research. Conclusion: Comparing the two indicators, we conclude that the corona has caused many problems for families and has changed people's lifestyles to the point that it has disrupted the upbringing of their children, and there is a high level of hope that this situation will improve in post-corona. It does not seem to be an internalized behavior. In this epidemic, we seem to have focused only on disease control, and because the villages have low population densities, quarantine was more limited. But in the cities, not coming out of the house and quarantine along with banning night and intercity traffic and not having an alternative program by city and national policymakers along with online training classes, as well as repetitive radio and television programs due to project closures due to Corona led to the dramatic use of smartphones and the conversion of urban dwellers into house prisoners. Something that might have had few side effects with alternative programs and a smart and comprehensive social distance program.
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