Comparison of integrated indexes of visual-auditory performance in students with hyperactivity, attention deficit and attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder
Subject Areas : Thoughts and Behavior in Clinical Psychology
najme rahmani Kolangarani
nimtaj sayah siyari
1 - MA in clinical psychology
2 - PHD in psychology
Keywords: Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit, visual-auditory continuous performance,
Abstract :
The ability to recognize and categorize audio stimuli and track their meaningful patterns and recognition of the difference between sounds in a colloquial language depends on the enhancement of auditory perception. It seems that children with hyperactivity / attention deficit disorder face several difficulties due to lack of sensory processes (audio and visual) and limited scope of attention in educational, cognitive, and cognitive fields, especially executive, social, behavioral and emotional functions. The purpose of this study is to make a comparison between visual and auditory performance indexes among the three groups of hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. To achieve this, in a causal- comparative study, 69 students with the diagnosis of hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder were selected according to the Convenience sampling method and tested for visual-auditory continuous performance. The study grouped the subjects under three headings of hyperactivity disorder (9 people), attention deficit (30), hyperactivity / attention deficit disorder (30 people). The results of one-way analysis of variance showed that auditory and visual performance indexes in students with hyperactivity, attention deficit, hyperactivity-attention deficiency have a significant difference and the auditory and visual performance of the hyperactivity group is better than the attention deficit and hyperactivity / attention deficit group. This research supports deficiencies in visual and auditory related tests of people with ADHD.