• hajiabdolbaghi.maryam The main methods of "strategic influence" of the enemy in the religious system From the perspective of Quranic teachings - narration [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • hajiabdolbaghi.maryam Moral, spiritual and otherworldly components of bowing in the Quran and hadiths [ Vol.13, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1399]
  • hakemi.mohsen What is marriage in Islamic mysticism; From nominal marriage to elemental marriage [ Vol.13, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Hami Kargar.Fateme What is marriage in Islamic mysticism; From nominal marriage to elemental marriage [ Vol.13, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1399]
  • haydari.mohammad The position of fault in civil and criminal regulations (analysis of the rule of loss and causation) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1399]