The effect of perception of organizational bullying on the Intention to Leave Work through leadership behavior and organizational commitment (Case study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch)
Subject Areas : sociologyHomera Abdi 1 , Abdolreza Sobhani 2 * , Seyed Morteza Mousavian 3 , Hojatullah Abbasi 4
1 - Ph.D. Student, Cultural Managementof Facuty Management. South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran ,Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Facuty Management South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran ,Iran
E- mail:
3 - Assistant Professor of Facuty IRIB, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Facuty Management South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran ,Iran
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Leadership behavior, Perception of organizational bullying, willingness to leave,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of perception of organizational bullying on the Intention to Leave Work through leadership behavior and organizational commitment. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of how to collect descriptive correlational information. The statistical population of the present study is all employees of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, 1000 people, who were selected through the Cochran sampling calculation formula, 287 people as a sample through stratified sampling method appropriate to the volume. Inersen et al. (2009) and the standard questionnaire of Intention to Leave Work Kim et al. (2007) and the standard Meyer and Allen Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (1990) and the standard questionnaire of Goba et al.'s leadership behavior (2013) based on the validity of the questionnaires. Content validity was examined using experts' opinions, formally based on the views of a number of statistical and structural populations by factor analysis method and after the necessary terms validity was confirmed and on the other hand the validity of the questionnaires by Cronbach's alpha method respectively. (0.88), (0.89), (0.92) and (0.91) were estimated. Data analysis was performed at the inferential level, including structural equation modeling. The results showed that the perception of organizational bullying through organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on the tendency to leave the service, the coefficient of this effect is 0.35 and the perception of organizational bullying through leadership behavior on the tendency to leave the service has a negative and significant effect. The coefficient of this effect is 0.25 and also the perception of organizational bullying has a positive and significant effect on the tendency to leave the service that the coefficient of this effect is 0.67.
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