Ranking and analysis of the development of the counties of East Azerbaijan Province with an integrated approach
Subject Areas : sociology
1 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran (Corresponding Author). E- mail: ebrahimi_aukh@yahoo.com
Keywords: Development, Numerical Taxonomy, Foundation Theory,
Abstract :
Since one of the main pillars of development is attention to equality and justice in the distribution of resources between different sectors of society, therefore, the concentration and inappropriate distribution of facilities and services in different regions have always been considered as one of the pitfalls of development, which requires a scientific review. In this research, the main goal was to study the degree of development of the cities of East Azerbaijan province. To achieve this goal, 31 indicators of development were assessed in three categories: socio-cultural, health, and economic and infrastructure in 20 cities. The methodology of this study is to classify the provinces based on numerical mal taxonomy and cluster analysis and also, the method of collecting is documentary information. The results of this study showed that, the cities of Tabriz, Marand and Maragheh are in high ranking of development, respectively, and the cities of Khadafrien and Charaymahq are in the last positions. The results of the research show that, the development rate in the western part of the province was higher than the eastern regions. The results of the data foundation theory showed that, factors such as lack of development motivation, lack of trust, government intervention, redundant bureaucracy, corruption, lack of transparency, lack of support from international institutions, lack of observation, government conflict and sovereignty are institutional barriers of development in cities of East Azerbaijan province.
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