Relationship between organization constraints with counterproductive behavior of Isfahan's Mobarakeh Steel company employees considering moderator role of negative affect
Subject Areas : EducationalNarges Sadat Mortazavi 1 , hamidreza oreyzi 2 *
1 - Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Professor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Isfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company, negative affect, counterproductive behavior, organization constraint,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship organization constraint with counterproductive behavior of Isfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company employees considering moderator role of negative affect. Organizational constraint is frustrating work condition beyond the control of employees that prevent them from completing their work related tasks. Research design was relational and type of moderating analysis and Participants in this study were 319 employees of Isfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company that Sample Available were selected. The instruments used included The Organizational Constraints Scale (Spector & Jex,1998), Job Related Affects Scale(Fox & Spector,1999) and Counterproductive Work Behavior Index(Fox, Spector & Miles ,2001). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that the high organization constraint, their counterproductive behavior increases, when employees have high negative affect. Also moderating effect of negative affect at relationship between organization constraint and counterproductive behavior in the workplace was confirmed (P<0/01).
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