The effectiveness of resiliency training on cognitive impairment, self-control and motivation to progress - case study: male students of the first secondary school
Subject Areas : HealthAliraza Merati 1 * , Masoud Mirzai 2 , Zahra Solgi 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Payame Noor, Tehran. Iran
2 - Educational Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: resilience, motivation to progress, self-control, cognitive impairment,
Abstract :
This research was conducted with the aim of the effectiveness of resilience training on cognitive impairment, self-control, and the motivation to progress in male students of the first secondary school. It was a semi-experimental research with a pre-test and post-test design with two experimental and control groups. The statistical population consisted of all the male students studying in the first secondary level of Ravansar city in 2021-2022 in the number of 870 people, 30 male students were assigned in two equal groups of 15 people with regular random sampling. For the people of the experimental group, 8 weekly sessions of the resilience training program (in the form of 1-hour weekly sessions) were implemented, but the people of the control group did not receive this program. Data collection was done with Gillanders et al.'s cognitive impairment questionnaire (2014), Tangeni et al.'s (2004) self-control questionnaire, and Hermans' achievement motivation questionnaire (1970). Data analysis was done with descriptive statistics methods, statistical assumptions test and covariance analysis (multivariate and univariate) with SPSS version 26 statistical software. The results showed that in the post-test stage, there is a statistically significant difference between the average score of cognitive impairment and self-control of the subjects of the two experimental and control groups (p<0.05). Also, the results showed that in the post-test stage, the achievement motivation score improved in the experimental group. It is suggested that counselors and school administrators use the resilience training program in order to improve mental performance and also increase the motivation of students to progress.
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