Determining The Mediating Role of Moral Identity in the effect of Family Function on Moral Behavior in Female Students of hormozgan Univercity
Subject Areas : EducationalElham Kohiyanafzal Dehkordi 1 , kurosh mohammadi 2 * , seyed abdolwahab amavis 3
1 - Department of pasychology, faculty of literature and Humanities, Univercity of hormozgan, Bandar abbas, Iran
2 - Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Univercity of hormozgan, Bandar abbas, Iran
3 - Department of psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Univercity of hormozgan, Bandar abbas, Iran
Keywords: family functioning, moral behavior, moral identity, girl students,
Abstract :
The aim of study was to evaluate the moderating role of moral identity in the effect of family functioning on moral behavior. The research method was discriptive correlational. The statistical population was female students of Hormozgan University (2824) in the 2019 year that 338 people were selected as sample using the Morgan table. Research participants completed the Questionnaire of Family functioning (Epstein, 1983), Moral Identity (Aquino and Reed, 2002), and Moral Behavior (Luzier, 1993). The subscales of FAD were Roles, Affective Responsiveness, Affective Involvement, General Functioning, Communication, Problem Solving and Behavior Control. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. analyses were performed using SPSS21 and Amos21 software. Findings showed there were significant relationships between problem solving, general functioning, affective involvement, roles & affective responsiveness to moral identity and roles, affective responsiveness and moral identity to moral behavior. there were significant relationships between roles and moral behavior mediated by moral identity and between affective responsiveness and moral behavior mediated by moral identity. it can be conclude, moral identity can influence the relationship between family function and moral behavior (p<0/01). family functioning components (affective responsiveness and roles) affected on moral identity and moral behavior, directly and indirectly.
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