Validation of knowledge, Attitude, Practices, and Concerns regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Questionnaire (KAPCQ) among the Iranian Population
Subject Areas : Health
Saeed Chahkoutahi
Zeinab Rabbani
1 - Psychometric, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
2 - Psychology, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Campus, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: validation, use, knowledge, covid-19, attitude, Citizens of Tehran, concern, vaccination,
Abstract :
In the present study, the psychometric characteristics of knowledge, attitude, practices, and concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccination questionnaire were discussed. The statistical population of the research was the citizens of Tehran, 400 of whom were selected by the available method and answered the questionnaire. In the validity section, the results of exploratory factor analysis using the principal component analysis method showed five main factors, which explained 60.810% of the data variance. Also, all the questions corresponded properly with their respective factors in the questionnaire designed by Kumari et al. (2021). Differential validity was investigated and confirmed by comparison method in known groups, and concurrent validity was also confirmed with significant correlation coefficients between five factors of the questionnaire with attitude towards Covid-19 vaccination (Tavousi et al., 2022). In the reliability section; Cronbach's alpha value was calculated. The results showed that the overall reliability of the scale is 0.77. Cronbach's alpha values were obtained for the scale of awareness, information sources, attitude, use and concern of the Covid-19 vaccine, respectively, 0.61, 0.68, 0.88, 0.74, and 0.85. Also, the item-scale correlation coefficients for all questions were higher than 0.7, which shows that the research tool has good reliability. Therefore, this questionnaire is suitable for assessing knowledge, attitudes, practices and concerns related to acceptance and/or doubt about the Covid-19 vaccine and it is useful for health care workers and researchers.
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