Identifying the Psychological Traits of Top Managers in the Oil Industry
Subject Areas : Educationalalborz moghtader mansori 1 , gholamreza Rahimi 2 * , Nader bahloli 3 , farhad NezhadIrani 4
1 - Department of management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bonab, Iran
2 - Department of Government Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
3 - Department of management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bonab, Iran
4 - Department of management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bonab, Iran
Keywords: phenomenology, Top Managers, Oil Industry, Psychological Features,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to identify the psychological characteristics of senior executives at the National Oil Distribution Company of West Azerbaijan (IRAN). In this study, the postmodern paradigm, phenomenological strategy, and hidden content analysis technique with semi-structured (in-depth) interviews with senior managers (up to theoretical saturation) were used. The number of senior managers was 16 and the sampling method was purposive (judgmental) and theoretical saturation was obtained from 10 individuals in the interviews. Interviews were analyzed through open coding and axial coding using MAX QDA12 software. The psychological characteristics of top managers in the study community were identified in five components of altruism, ambition, foresight, compatibility with others, and internal domination. Managers can fully rely on themselves by identifying and utilizing their psychological traits, enhancing their sense of doing and enhancing employee motivation and commitment, as well as enhancing productivity and success and enhancing employee performance and success. Ensure the survival of their organization. Finally, based on the results, some suggestions were made to the study organization.
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