An Investigation of Relation Between Perception of Organizational Justice and Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior within Mazandaran Province’s SAMEN Financial and Ceredit Institute
Subject Areas : Educational
hossein samadi
hamzeh samadi
1 - Master of Public Administration, Member of Young Researcher Club, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran.
2 - Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Distributive Justice, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Procedural Justice, Intractional Justice, Organizational Justice,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research is to investigate the relationships between the employee’s perception level of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior. The method the present research is relational and the structural equation modeling is used, and also the measuring tool in this research is closed questionnaire. Statistical population of study includes all of 148 employees of the SAMEN Institutes of Mazandaran Province from which 114 employees were selected by simple random sampling method as a sample. Findings showed that there is significant and positive relationship between perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior and its dimensions such as altruism, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, courtesy, and civic virtue (P˂0/01). Also, after the investigation and test, the existence of relationship between distributive justice, procedural justice, and intractional justice with organizational citizenship behavior is suported.courtesy, and civic virtue (P˂0/01). Also, after the investigation and test, the existence of relationship between distributive justice, procedural justice, and intractional justice with organizational citizenship behavior is suported.
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