Examining the Role of ostracism workplace on work engagement : with mediating emotional intelligence (Case Study: Sports and Youth General Administration staff in Tehran)
Subject Areas : Educationalabbasali rastgar 1 * , Mohsen Farhadinejad 2 , Eghbal Jabari 3
1 - Associate Professor of Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan university, Semnan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan university, Semnan, Iran
3 - Organizational Behavior of Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan university, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: ostracism workplace, Sports and Youth General Administration staff in Tehran, emotional intelligence, work engagement,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ostracism workplace on work engagement by mediating emotional intelligence in the staff of General Administration of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The method of research is descriptive-survey. The statistical population includes 180 employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. Among the statistical population, 120 people were selected based on Cochran's relation with 5% error by simple random sampling method. Standard questionnaires were used to collect data. Cronbach's alpha for work engagement is 0/901, ostracism workplace is 0/918 and emotional intelligence is 0/937. To analyze the research data, structural equation modeling using SMART -PLS soft ware was used. The results of the research indicate that the negative effect of ostracism workplace on work engagement with the mediation of emotional intelligence is among the staff of the Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran province.
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