The Effectiveness of Empathy Training on Forgiveness: Invastigation Role of Belief in the Just World
Subject Areas : Educationalsamira rostami 1 * , farhad khormaei 2
1 - Educational psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Department of Educational psychology, Education & Psychology Faculty, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: forgiveness, empathy, belief in a just world,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of empathy skills training, composed with the concept of justice, on forgiveness. Research method was quasi experimental pretest- posttest with control group. Population of this study consisted of all undergraduate students of Shiraz University in the academic year 2016-2017. Participants included 51 students. The experimental group was divided into two groups (17 persons) of high belief in a just world and low belief in a just world purposefully based on pretest, as well as a control group was matched with the experimental groups based on age and sex. In order to collect data Forgiveness Questionnaire (Malt et al., 1998), the Saturn & Douglas Belief in a just worldQuestionnaire (2005), Dalbert, Libkus, Sally, and Goch (2001), as well as the Empathy Training Program (Waziri and Lotfi Kashani, 2011) were used. Data was analyzed by ANOVA method in SPSS. The results confirmed the effectiveness of empathy training on forgiveness, with an emphasis on the role of belief in a just world.
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