The Effect of training through role-play on aggression and assertiveness in adolescent boys in boarding centers
Subject Areas : Educational
parvaneh karimi
fayemeh yarvisi
1 - psychology, university of Razi, Kermanshah. Iran.
2 - psychology, Islamic Azad University of Razi, Kermanshah. Iran.
Keywords: role -playing, aggression, assertiveness, Orphan Teenagers,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was the effect of education through role-play on aggressionand assertiveness aggression in adolescent boys (age range 14 to 18 years) in boarding centers. The research method was experimental with pre-test, post-test with control group, and research statistical society included all the adolescent boys living in boarding centers of Sanandaj that according to the availability of people list of society,Sample size of 30 patients were selected by simple random sampling method and after completing the assertiveness questionnaires (Yuli Lee, Halbrg, salmon and Haas, 1985) and aggression (Buss and Perry 1992) they randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. 6 sessions of 90-minute training role play was performed for experimental group and after the intervention post-test was done for both groups. Covariance Analysis statistical method was used for data analysis. The results showed that the dependent variable in the experimental group compared with the control group have had significant upgrade. So from the results, it can be concluded that the role -play training have been effective in increasing assertiveness and decreasing Aggression in adolescent boys.
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