Predicting Job Stress On The Basis Of Coping Strategies, Spiritual Intelligence And Resilience In Employees With Chronic Pains In National Iranian South Oil Fields Company
Subject Areas : Educational
Fatemeh Habibi
sahar safarzadeh
1 - Department of Psychology, Khouzestan Pardis Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz. Iran.
Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Coping Strategies, spiritual intelligence, resilience, Job Stress, employees with chronic pains,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to predict job stress on the basis of coping strategies, spiritual intelligence and resilience in employees with chronic pains in national Iranian south oil fields company. The subjects were 130 employees whom were selected randomly by simple sampling procedure from the medical records available in the industrial medicine center with chronic pain diagnosis. To collect data Endler and Parket job stress questionnaire (1990), Abdulah-Zadeh et al. Spiritual intelligence scale (2008), Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) and Job Stress (1990) were implemented. The results by regression analysis showed that problem solving, emotional and avoiding coping strategies respectively were good predictors for the criterion variable of job stress (p≤ 0.0001). Therefore by increasing proper and effective problem solving skills, job stress emerging especially in the employees suffering from chronic pain may be either decreased or the pain suffering could be kept under controlled.
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