The Comparison of Physical Self-concept between Blind Female Athletes and Non-athletes
Subject Areas : Educationalmaryam lotfi 1 * , مهدی سهرابی 2 , مهدی سهرابی 3 , فضل ا... باقرزاده 4
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Keywords: athlete blind girls, Physical Activity, physical self-concept, non–athlete blind girls,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to compare athlete and non-athlete blind girls' physical self-concept. The method of this study was causal-descriptive, and the statistical population consisted of a ll athletes and non- athlete blind girls who referred to the Blind Society of Tehran in 2012(1390s.c).From all blind athlete girls 45 completed the questionnaire and 63 non-athlete blind girls with mean age of 20 ± 6.54 were randomly selected. The research instrument was Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) (Marsh et al., 1994). The r esults of analysis of variance by spss-18 indicated that there are significant differences between the athlete and non-athlete blind girls in the subscales of coordination (P < 0.007), health (P < 0.028), physical activity (P < 0.001), strength (P < 0.014), endurance (P < 0.022), sport competency (P < 0.001) and general self-concept (P < 0.001). In all components, except health and physical fat that have been recorded reversely, athlete group had a higher mean. According to the results, it can be concluded that sport and physical activity can increase physical self-concept of female blind population .