The compare between divorced women's quality of life and undivorced women in Shiraz city and the study of Relationship between demographic variables of divorced women and their quality of life
Subject Areas : Educationalلیلا حفاریان 1 * , اصغر آقایی 2 , محمد باقر کجباف 3 , منوچهر کامکار 4
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Keywords: divorced women, quality of life, undivorsed women,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was compare between divorced women's quality of life and undivorced women in Shiraz city and study of Relationship between demographic variables of divorced women and their quality of life. Statistics society of this research selected among all divorced women whom referred to the family court in Shiraz city and 24 months before the starting of this research their definite divorce verdict had been issued and also all undivorced women whom lived normally with their husbands. In this regard were selected availably sabject method 65 people among divorced women and also 63 people among undivorced women whom were the same aspects in view of age criteria, level of education and living places. Research tool include questionnaire conclude 26 question about the quality of life which has been provided by world health organization=α) 0.68) and another questionnaire of demographic had been made by researchers herself. Yielded data were analyzed by statistical analysis t and F by using the software SPSS11.5. The results showed that the average grades with all its aspects of quality of life (physical health, psychological cognition, social relation and environment of living) of divorced women are lower than undivorced women meaningly. (P < 0.01).in data analyses of between demographic variables , the variables of divorce causes, number of offspring, extention of a common life and the extention of life have not any meaningful relation with dimensions of quality of life, but in the education variable, and in the age variable (of recognition dimension and social relation), there is meaningful statistical differences.