The Comparison of Marital Satisfaction, Life Style and Mental Health in Retired and non-Retired Men and Women
Subject Areas : Educational
زینب رضایی
رمضان حسن زاده
بهرام میرزاییان
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Keywords: marital satisfaction, retired, life style, non-retired, mental health,
Abstract :
The present research aimed at comparing the marital satisfaction, life style and psychological health between the retired and non- retired men and women. The research method was causal–comparative and the population included all teachers (retired and non-retired) of Gonbade Kawus City , from among them 140 people were selected by simple random sampling method. The research instruments were comprised of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28, Goldberg & Hiller, 1979), Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (Otrich, 1989), and Life Style Questionnaire (Mosavar, 2003/1382s.c.). The data were analyzed by two-sided analysis of variance. The research results indicated that there is a significant difference between marital satisfaction and life style in both genders and both retired and non-retired groups (P < 0.05) Mens marital satisfaction, with mean satisfaction of 141.67 has been more than women, and non- retired teachers marital satisfaction with mean satisfaction of 143.27 was higher than retired teachers. Also, men with mean of 496.37 had higher index of life style than women, and non-retired teachers life style with mean of 493.07 was higher than retired teachers. But no significant difference was observed, in mental health, between men and women and the retired and non- retired group.