The Psychometric Properties of Generalized Pathological Unternet Use Scale(GPIUS) in Internet Users Students of Isfahan Universities
Subject Areas : Educationalسید سلمان علوی 1 * , فرشته جنتی فرد 2 , محمدرضا مرآثی 3 , حسین رضاپور 4
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Keywords: GPIUS (Generalized Pathological Internet Use), Psychometric properties, Reliability, validity, Internet User,
Abstract :
This study investigated reliability and validi-ty (psychomet- ric properties) of GPIUS. This is a descriptivea- nalytical research. For this pur-pose 400 Isfahan university students were sub-jected. Sampling method was quota sampling .samples completed demographic ques-tionnaire, IAT, YDQ and GPIUS. finally clinical interview (based on DSM-IV-TR) was per-formed for all of the samples. For data analysis we have used factor analysis, internal consis-tency, split half, and Kronbach’ ROC Curve by SPSS Software. Factor analysis by principal component and Varimax rotation revealed seven factors for GPIUS .It has acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach =0/90), split half (r=0/81) relia- bility, discriminative validity (r=0/55) and concurrent validity (0/55 ,0/61).best cut of point for this questionnaire is 63 There-fore GPIUS has acceptable psychometric properties and this is a valid and reliable in-strument that may be used in research on inter-net addiction.