Identifying the Talent Criteria of Table Tennis Athletes Using the Talent Evaluation Method
Subject Areas : Sports Science and Healthy
Mohammadbagher Forghani Ozrudi
Ali Yaghobi
Zahra Teymoorinejhad Gadikolaei
1 - Master's degree, Department of Physical Education, Department of Education, Babol, Iran
2 - Ph.D., Department of Physical Education, Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran
3 - MA., Department of Education, Babol, Iran.
Keywords: Talent Search, Athletes, Table Tennis, Championships, Schools, Mazandaran Province, Elementary Level.,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to identify the talent criteria of table tennis athletes using the talent evaluation method. For this purpose, 40 male and female students who participated in the table tennis championship of Mazandaran schools in elementary school were selected through targeted sampling. They had an average age of 10.83±1.8 years, an average height of 145.76±5.7 cm, and an average weight of 46.34 ± 2.39 kg. To determine the talent indicators, various factors such as running at maximum speed, agility, vertical jump, dribbling speed, goal evaluation, ball skills, throwing the ball, reaction time test, and prediction skill were measured and compared with the ranks achieved in the competitions. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation, and t-test with SPSS software version 23. The research findings indicate a significant relationship between talent indicators and the obtained ranks, suggesting that these indicators can serve as primary factors in identifying talented individuals in the field of table tennis. Coaches and talent scouts can utilize these strong indicators to enhance the talent identification process.
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