Investigating the Situation of Water Security in Iran (Case Study: Kerman Province)
Subject Areas : political sociology
Elham Azizabadi
Hojat Mahkoeui
Amir Gandomkar
1 - Department of Microbiology, Sirjan branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran
2 - Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
3 - Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
Keywords: Water, Water Security, Social Security, Water Resources Management, Kerman Province,
Abstract :
Water, as one of the main components for life, affects human security if it is lacking or reduced. The challenges and conflicts of people for the right and access to water resources at local and national levels with each other and even the war between governments at regional and international levels show the important role of water. The tensions caused by the lack of water in the central regions of Iran, such as Isfahan and Kerman, in recent years, indicate the insecurity and sense of danger for the water resources of these provinces. Kerman province, with an area of over 180,000 square kilometers, is the largest province in the south of the country. With an average annual rainfall of 129 mm, this province is considered one of the dry regions in the country. The main goal of this article is to Investigating the water security situation in Kerman province. The main question raised is what is the water security situation in Kerman province? The hypothesis that is raised in response to this question is that water security in Kerman province is not in a good condition. This article has been done using the field method (questionnaire) and descriptive-analytical approach. The sample size was 384 people, which was obtained using Cochran's formula. The results of the findings show that according to the water transfer plans and water management patterns planned to improve the water resources situation in Kerman province, water security in this province is not in a good condition.
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