The role of radio and television in strengthening the national identity of people over 18 years old in Shiraz
Subject Areas : political sociologyHemmat ali Heydari 1 * , Majid Reza Karimi 2 , علی رضا خدامی 3
1 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعه شناسی، گروه علوم اجتماعی، واحد جهرم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، جهرم
2 - Humanities Department, Sociology Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch
3 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد جهرم
Keywords: media, radio, television, identity,
Abstract :
National identity as a cultural structure is narrated, reproduced, reinterpreted and represented in various ways. One of the most important tools for its creation and representation are the mass media, which play a significant role in creating national imaginations and worldviews due to the characteristic of learning at the national level. The communication model in the media is to send a message and the process of transferring the message from the sender to the receiver and exchanging views through a conversation is meaningful. Media is a means of conveying a message and affects the process of conveying a message. The title of the present study is the role of radio and television mass media on the consolidation of the national identity of people aged 18 and over in multiple areas of Shiraz city, which has been carried out with a specific purpose and in relation to the subject under investigation. In this research, a quantitative research method (survey) with a descriptive-correlation approach and using a standard questionnaire was used to collect information. The statistical population in this research is people aged 18 years and above who live in Shiraz, and 372 people have been selected from among them for the study sample or statistical volume. The inferential results of the hypotheses are as follows: in the first to third hypotheses, the media variable (the level of benefit, interest and trust in the programs of the provincial network of Seda, Sima) and news as an independent variable and the preservation and consolidation of national identity as The dependent variable was evaluated and each of the hypotheses was confirmed at a significance level above 90% confidence. Therefore, according to the above inferential results, it can be said that diversifying radio and television programs according to the needs of the audience can strengthen the national identity among people. Therefore, programming should be in line with the consolidation of the national identity of the audience and members of the society
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