Numerical and Analytical Solution of Low-Density Lipoprotein Deposition in A Curved Arterial Wall Using Multilayer Model
Subject Areas : Engineering
1 - Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch
Keywords: LDL Mass deposition, Atherosclerosis, Curved artery, Multilayer model,
Abstract :
The transport of macromolecules, such as low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and their abnormal accumulation within the arterial wall plays an important role in formation and development of atherosclerosis. In this study, the numerical-analytical solution of the LDL mass transfer in lumen-wall of a 3D curved artery is investigated. The governing equations consist of, continuity, momentum conservation and the LDLs mass transfer equations are solved based on appropriate boundary conditions and the results are obtained in the form of main and secondary flow velocity field contours, shear stress profiles, concentration and penetration rate of the LDLs into the wall. In this investigation, a new model of the arterial wall, named multilayer model, was used. According to the results, because of centrifugal forces and formation of secondary flows, an increase in surface concentration and penetration rate at the inner part was seen compared with outer part. Also, the reduction of Reynolds number and curvature ratio will augment the LDLs accumulation at the arterial wall.
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