Spatial Analysis of Rural Employment Plans (Case Study: Rural Areas of Tarom Township)
Subject Areas : Rural and nomadic studiesvahid riahei 1 * , saeid nasire zare 2
1 - Georgetown University of Kharazmi - Department of Human Geography
2 - Tehran - Revolution - Kheyban Shahid Mofatakh - Faculty of Geographic Sciences
Keywords: Relative advantage, Employment Plans, Activity Cluster, Tarom City,
Abstract :
Employment is one of the priority components of rural life and its attention is essential due to its role in the development of these areas and the necessity of such an equitable distribution of employment opportunities in these areas. The purpose of this study was spatial analysis of employment plans in rural areas of Tarom city. The research was applied in terms of descriptive-analytic nature and its data were collected through documents. The statistical population included all rural areas of Tarom city and its sample size was 54 rural points. Also, considering the employment and activity of the projects, clusters of activity in economic groups were studied and documentary sources were used to study the relative advantage of Tarom. The results showed that most of the job creation schemes were in the livestock, industry and agriculture sectors, respectively, and the scope of the projects was proportional to the relative advantage of the rural areas under study, which are suitable for agricultural activities, industry development and tourism services. , have been. Also, most of the clusters of activity were in the agriculture sector, and although it had fewer loans and facilities than the livestock sector, it was able to achieve the clusters of activity in the first (production) and second (processing) clusters. Provided more employment than other sectors of the economy. Thus, paying attention to the clusters of activities in job creation schemes can provide more employment and job diversification for rural areas.
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