Investigating the Role of Document Issuance on improving the livability of Rural Settlements (Case study area: Zaborkhan rural district, Neishabour township)
Subject Areas : Rural and nomadic studiesTahereh Sadeghloo 1 * , reyhaneh saadati 2 , fatemeh akbari 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography Faculty of Letters and Humanities Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Mashhad. Iran
2 - Master student of geography and rural planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad. Iran
3 - Master student of geography and rural planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Rural settlements, livability, Document Issuance Plan, Zebrkhan rural district, Neishabour township,
Abstract :
Implementation of the Rural Land Documentation Plan is one of the government's goals in achieving development and removing the deprivation of rural areas within the framework of the development plan. In this regard, implementation of the document issuance plan by affecting on quality of the environment and making the rural settlements sustainable, has provided a villagers stability and sense of belonging to place in rural communities. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the document issuance plan on the livability of rural settlements. The statistical population of the study was 140 rural households, which was obtained by Cochran method (with error 0.1). The number of households benefiting from this plan implementation were the basis for the selection of the case study villages. The findings of this study indicate that implementation of the document issuance plan has contributed to the promotion of all aspects of economic, social, environmental and physical livability. The highest mean of this change was related to the physical-infrastructure component with 3.459 average mean. The effect of project implementation had a significant and direct relationship with the time interval of project implementation. The results also indicate that the physical-infrastructural component of livability had the greatest impact on the variable of project implementation history. Kruskalwalis test was conducted to investigate the advantages or disadvantages of the effects of document issuance on the viability of the settlements in the study that based on the result, Baghshan village had first position among other studied villages.
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