The Evaluation of Satisfaction of Tourists' Accommodation and Catering Services, Tourism Destinations (Case Study: Tourist Complexes)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studiesmohammadali elahi chooran 1 * , jamshid einali 2 , mehdi ramzanzadeh lesboe 3
1 - Geography - Faculty of Social Sciences - University of Zanjan
2 - Department of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Zanjan
3 - Mazandaran University Department of Management
Keywords: Tourism, Satisfaction of Tourists, axis of Noshahr-Ramsar,
Abstract :
Satisfaction of tourists is one of the most important competitive factors and the best indicator for ensuring growth and development of tourism destinations. According to the opinion of tourists, the satisfaction of tourists is an important criterion for assessing the quality and efficiency of the services provided for tourism purposes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the satisfaction of tourists from residential services and catering services provided to tourists in tourism complexes in west of Mazandaran province. The type of research is descriptive-analytic based on completing the questionnaire. Regarding the fact that the number of tourists visiting the seven complexes in the west of Mazandaran province was not clear, 214 samples were selected as samples and the questionnaire was distributed randomly among the visitors to the tourism complexes. One-sample t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the satisfaction rate of tourists from residential and catering services of the studied complexes is higher than the average. So, the degree of satisfaction with the desire to recursion with a mean of 3.63 and the general characteristics of the area with an average of 3.13 was higher than the average. In order to rank the tourism complexes in terms of tourist satisfaction, it was concluded that among the tourist complexes, in terms of the quality of services provided, the recreational tourism complex of salt water, with a mean of 133/36, was the first, and the recreation satisfaction.
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