On the Analysis of the Role of Capacity Making in Reducing the Risk of Natural Hazards (Earthquakes) in Rural Areas (Case Study: Anjirab Rural District. Gorgan County)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
hosein mosazadeh
teymur Amar
mehdi khodadad
1 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد، جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه گلستان، گرگان،ایران
2 - دانشیار گروه جغرافیا،واحد رشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی،رشت، ایران
3 - دانش آموخته کارشناس ارشد، جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه گلستان،گرگان، ایران
Keywords: Rural Areas, Gorgan city, earthquakes, Capacity development, Anjirab rural districts,
Abstract :
Rural areas are the first vulnerable region in the face of natural hazards and are not insured against such risks. These areas, depending on their geographical location is affected by specific natural hazards due to more extreme poverty and the limited knowledge and technology compared to other human settlements against natural hazards are more vulnerable. For this reason, use of the potential of rural areas to reduce vulnerability is imperative. In this regard, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of creating capacity in the Anjirab rural district to reduce the amount of possible damages caused by earthquake. The purpose has been used descriptive - analytical method and field surveys. The study population was Anjirab rural district at Gorgan city which 4 populated village of this rural district, including Mohammadabad, Akbarabad, Zangian and Sadabad is selected and 200 heads of households were selected using Cochran formula and questionnaire was distributed randomly between them. Results obtained using the Friedman test and Spearman Spss software represent Anjirab rural district high capacity in physical- spatial and institutional dimensions.
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Amir Ahmadi, Houshang. (1992). The combination of earthquake vulnerability reduction and rural development, physical planning (Proceedings), Center for Urban Studies and Architecture Ayran.Tehran.(in Persian)
Amiri, Aflaton & Tabatabaei Ramin. (2008). Earthquake Risk Management Straegy Plan UsingNonparametric Estimation of Hazard Rate, American Journal of Applied Sciences, (5), 581-585.
Anderson, Jock R. (2001). Risk management in rural development, The Word Bank, 1818 H street N.W. Room Mc5-724 Wahington,D.C., U.S.A.
Anderson, M.B & P.J. Woodrow. (1998). Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategiein Times of Disaster, Boulder, Westview Press/London, Intermediate Technology Publication.
Bahrami, Rahmatullah., 2008. Analysis of the seismic vulnerability of rural settlements: the case study of Kurdistan, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 11, Issue 2, Summer, 163-182.(in Persian)
Blaikie, P., Cannon, t. Davis, I. & Wisner, B. (2005). At Risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters, Taylor & Francis e- Library. 168.
Buckle P. (2001). Community based management: A new approach to managing disasters; Proceedings of ESA Conference, Visions and Divisions, Helsinki, August 28- September 1.
Burford, G., S. Kissmann, F. J. Rosado-May, S. H. Alvarado Dzul, & M. K. Harder. (2012). Indigenous participation in intercultural education: learning from Mexico and Tanzania, Ecology and Society, 17(4): 33.
DFID. (2005). Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A DeskReview of Costs and Benefits, Authors: Environmental Resources Management (ERM); United Kingdom. Department for International Development (DFID).
Dyke, G., Gill., S, Davies, R., Betorz, F., Andalsvik, Y., Cackler, J., DosSantos W., Dunlop, K., Ferreira I., Kebe F., Lamboglia E., Matsubara Y., Nikolaidis V., Ostoja-Starzewski S., Sakita M., Verstappen. N. (2011). Dream project: Applications of Earth Observations to Disaster Risk Management, ActaAstronautica, vol 68, Issues 1-2, 301-315.
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Einali, Jamshid. Farahani, Hussein. & Jafari, Nasrin. (2014). Assess the role of social capital in mitigating the effects of the earthquake disaster Drdhstan Sjasrvd- city Khodabande, Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, Issue 32, Spring, 115-93.(in Persian)
Einali, Jamshid. (2010). Capacity building to mitigate the effects of natural disasters (earthquake) in rural areas: the case of city Khodabande, PhD thesis Geography and Rural Planning, University Mdrs.thran education.(in Persian)
Farahani, Hossein. Einali, Jamshid. & Ghasemi Vieri, Hamid. (2014). The role of capacity development in the management of earthquake risk reduction in rural areas A Case Study in: Abhar city, lavender Abad district, Journal of Housing and Environment, Vol. 33, No. 145, 63-74.(in Persian)
Ghafory, M. (2005). Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience, Tehran, UNESCO off and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), 1-9.
Ghafouri Ashtiany, M. (2005). "Earthquake in Iran & Reduction a Achievement From Manjil Erthquake to Post -Bam Strategies" in National Conference on Erthquake Engineering, San Francisco, Californi, 18- 22.
Gopalan, P. (2001). Responding to Earthquake: People's Participation inReconstraction and Rehabitation, United Nations, Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW).
Hansson, K., Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L. (2008). Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork, International Journal of public Information Systems, Vol. 1, 25-37.
Heidari Sarban, Vakil. (2014). Analyze the effects of an earthquake in the city Varzeghan rural areas (Case Study: Rural America Azvmdl), Journal of Environmental Jghrafyavmkhatrat, No. eleven, Fall, pp. 59-41.(in Persian)
Ishak, Rzlan. (2004). specialreport: disasterplanningandmanagement, NCD, Malaysica, volume3.
Jigyasu, R. (2002). Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal, Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
Kawata. (2001). Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits, Authors: Environmental Resources Management (ERM); United Kingdom. Government United Kingdom.
Kusumasari, B., Q. Alam & K. Siddiqui. (2010). "Resource Capability for Local Government in Managing Disaster", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, 438- 451.
Lan, H.X., Zhou.C.H., Wong.L.J., Zhang.H.Y., Li.R.H. (2004). Landslide hazard spatial analysis and predicton Using GIS in the Xiaojing Watersed, Chaina. Engineering Geology. 76,109-128.
Lindell, M. K. & Prater, C. S. (2003). Assessing Community Impacts of Natural Disasters, Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2003. 176-185.
Medury U. (1996). Coping with disasters: A community based Approach, Indira Gandhi National Open University; Available at: http://www.ignoudismtconf.org/medury.htm.
Pandey B., OkazakiK. (2004). Community based disaster management: Empoweringcommunities to cope with disaster risks, United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Japan.
Parishan, Majid., (2011). Management of environmental risks, the risk of earthquakes in rural areas, thesis Geography, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran. (in Persian)
Pathirage, C., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R. & Baldry, D. (2008). Lessons learned from Asian tsunami disaster: sharing knowledge, BEAR Conference 2008, 11-15 February, Heritence Kandalama, SriLanka. 1051.
Pour Taheri, M. Einali, Jamshid. & Rukn al-Din Eftekhari, Abdolreza. (2010), The capacity to reduce the impact of natural hazards (earthquakes) in rural areas with an emphasis on quantitative methods (case study: the earthquake zone city Khodabande), Journal of Human Geography, Issue 74, Winter, pp. 39-23.(in Persian)
Pour Taheri, M. Sojasi Ghidari, H. & Sadqlv, T. (2011). Comparative evaluation of methods of ranking techniques environmental hazards in rural areas (Case Study: Zanjan province), Rural Research, the second, the third issue, Ss.54-31.(in Persian)
Pour-Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Zadeh & Mosayebzadeh. (2008). The vulnerability of cities to the earthquake and the role of community participation in disaster relief, the Journal of Geography and Development, Number 12.(in Persian)
Pourtaheri, Mehdi. Haji Nejad, Ali. Fattaneh, Ahmad, Nemati, Ahmad. (2014). An evaluation of the physical vulnerability of rural settlements against natural hazards (earthquakes) model Kvpras decision (Case Study: Chalanchulan city of rural peace), Journal of Spatial Planning, Volume Eighteen, No. 3, Fall, 30 52.(in Persian)
Pourtaheri, Mehdi. Parishan, Mahdi. Rukn al-Din Eftekhari, Abdulreza & Asgar Ali. (2011). Assessment and evaluation of the components of risk management basis earthquake (The case of the rural areas of Qazvin city), Journal of Rural Studies, Issue One, Spring, pp. 115-150.(in Persian)
Rajai Abdul Hamid. (2003). Geography planning of urban and rural, the publisher, Tehran.(in Persian)
Rezvani Mohammadreza. (2011). Introduction to rural development planning in Iran, Fourth Edition, published by publishing Ghomes, Tehran.(in Persian)
Rohit Jigyasu. (2004). Sustainable Post Disaster Reconstruction throughIntegrated Risk Management, the Case of Rural Communities South Asia.
Rukn al-Din eftekhari, Abdulreza. Vazin, N. & Pour Taheri, M. (2009). The process of disaster management in both native and new methods: Stew Rustam rural area (city anklet), a lecturer in the Humanities Journal, Volume 13, Number 1, Spring, pp. 94-63.(in Persian)
Tabesh Pour, Mohammed. (2007). Criteria for simple masonry buildings, Fifth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering. Tehran.(in Persian)
UN/ISDR. (2007). Terminology: Basic terms of disaster risk reduction, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. (http://www.unisdr.org).
UNDP. (1997). Capacity Development. Technical Advisory Paper 2, United Nations Development Program, New York.
Yodmani, S. (2000). Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor, Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.
YodmaniS. (2001). Disaster riskmanagement and vulnerability reduction: protectingthe poor, Social protection workshop 6: protecting communities – Social funds and disaster.
Zafari, Hossein. & Veysi, Reza. (2011). Analysis of factors affecting public participation in order to reduce the risk of natural disasters (A Case Study in: Tehran city Branch), Journal of Housing and Environment, No. 35, Fall, pp. 105-120.(in Persian)
Zvaigzne, Anda. (2005). Risk management in Rural Tourism Enterprises in Latvia, Resume of the PHD paper for the scientific degree of Dr, oec,: Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics.
Adib, Mohammad. (2006). Zoning role in the development of Yazd province. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Earthquake Disaster Management, University of Yazd, 403-422. (in Persian)
Amir Ahmadi, Houshang. (1992). The combination of earthquake vulnerability reduction and rural development, physical planning (Proceedings), Center for Urban Studies and Architecture Ayran.Tehran.(in Persian)
Amiri, Aflaton & Tabatabaei Ramin. (2008). Earthquake Risk Management Straegy Plan UsingNonparametric Estimation of Hazard Rate, American Journal of Applied Sciences, (5), 581-585.
Anderson, Jock R. (2001). Risk management in rural development, The Word Bank, 1818 H street N.W. Room Mc5-724 Wahington,D.C., U.S.A.
Anderson, M.B & P.J. Woodrow. (1998). Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategiein Times of Disaster, Boulder, Westview Press/London, Intermediate Technology Publication.
Bahrami, Rahmatullah., 2008. Analysis of the seismic vulnerability of rural settlements: the case study of Kurdistan, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 11, Issue 2, Summer, 163-182.(in Persian)
Blaikie, P., Cannon, t. Davis, I. & Wisner, B. (2005). At Risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters, Taylor & Francis e- Library. 168.
Buckle P. (2001). Community based management: A new approach to managing disasters; Proceedings of ESA Conference, Visions and Divisions, Helsinki, August 28- September 1.
Burford, G., S. Kissmann, F. J. Rosado-May, S. H. Alvarado Dzul, & M. K. Harder. (2012). Indigenous participation in intercultural education: learning from Mexico and Tanzania, Ecology and Society, 17(4): 33.
DFID. (2005). Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A DeskReview of Costs and Benefits, Authors: Environmental Resources Management (ERM); United Kingdom. Department for International Development (DFID).
Dyke, G., Gill., S, Davies, R., Betorz, F., Andalsvik, Y., Cackler, J., DosSantos W., Dunlop, K., Ferreira I., Kebe F., Lamboglia E., Matsubara Y., Nikolaidis V., Ostoja-Starzewski S., Sakita M., Verstappen. N. (2011). Dream project: Applications of Earth Observations to Disaster Risk Management, ActaAstronautica, vol 68, Issues 1-2, 301-315.
Einali, Jamshid. & Jafari, Nasrin. (2009). Disaster management in rural areas, with emphasis on rural participation, case study: Khara Rud Rural District, Geographical Journal, Issue VI, Fall, pp. 53-73.(in Persian)
Einali, Jamshid. Farahani, Hussein. & Jafari, Nasrin. (2014). Assess the role of social capital in mitigating the effects of the earthquake disaster Drdhstan Sjasrvd- city Khodabande, Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, Issue 32, Spring, 115-93.(in Persian)
Einali, Jamshid. (2010). Capacity building to mitigate the effects of natural disasters (earthquake) in rural areas: the case of city Khodabande, PhD thesis Geography and Rural Planning, University Mdrs.thran education.(in Persian)
Farahani, Hossein. Einali, Jamshid. & Ghasemi Vieri, Hamid. (2014). The role of capacity development in the management of earthquake risk reduction in rural areas A Case Study in: Abhar city, lavender Abad district, Journal of Housing and Environment, Vol. 33, No. 145, 63-74.(in Persian)
Ghafory, M. (2005). Earthquake Risk Management Strategies: Iranian Experience, Tehran, UNESCO off and International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), 1-9.
Ghafouri Ashtiany, M. (2005). "Earthquake in Iran & Reduction a Achievement From Manjil Erthquake to Post -Bam Strategies" in National Conference on Erthquake Engineering, San Francisco, Californi, 18- 22.
Gopalan, P. (2001). Responding to Earthquake: People's Participation inReconstraction and Rehabitation, United Nations, Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW).
Hansson, K., Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L. (2008). Assessment of a Flood Management Formwork, International Journal of public Information Systems, Vol. 1, 25-37.
Heidari Sarban, Vakil. (2014). Analyze the effects of an earthquake in the city Varzeghan rural areas (Case Study: Rural America Azvmdl), Journal of Environmental Jghrafyavmkhatrat, No. eleven, Fall, pp. 59-41.(in Persian)
Ishak, Rzlan. (2004). specialreport: disasterplanningandmanagement, NCD, Malaysica, volume3.
Jigyasu, R. (2002). Reducing Disaster vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity the Case of Earthquake Prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal, Department of Town and Regional Planning, Trondheim.
Kawata. (2001). Natural Disaster and Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: A Desk Review of Costs and Benefits, Authors: Environmental Resources Management (ERM); United Kingdom. Government United Kingdom.
Kusumasari, B., Q. Alam & K. Siddiqui. (2010). "Resource Capability for Local Government in Managing Disaster", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, 438- 451.
Lan, H.X., Zhou.C.H., Wong.L.J., Zhang.H.Y., Li.R.H. (2004). Landslide hazard spatial analysis and predicton Using GIS in the Xiaojing Watersed, Chaina. Engineering Geology. 76,109-128.
Lindell, M. K. & Prater, C. S. (2003). Assessing Community Impacts of Natural Disasters, Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2003. 176-185.
Medury U. (1996). Coping with disasters: A community based Approach, Indira Gandhi National Open University; Available at: http://www.ignoudismtconf.org/medury.htm.
Pandey B., OkazakiK. (2004). Community based disaster management: Empoweringcommunities to cope with disaster risks, United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Japan.
Parishan, Majid., (2011). Management of environmental risks, the risk of earthquakes in rural areas, thesis Geography, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran. (in Persian)
Pathirage, C., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R. & Baldry, D. (2008). Lessons learned from Asian tsunami disaster: sharing knowledge, BEAR Conference 2008, 11-15 February, Heritence Kandalama, SriLanka. 1051.
Pour Taheri, M. Einali, Jamshid. & Rukn al-Din Eftekhari, Abdolreza. (2010), The capacity to reduce the impact of natural hazards (earthquakes) in rural areas with an emphasis on quantitative methods (case study: the earthquake zone city Khodabande), Journal of Human Geography, Issue 74, Winter, pp. 39-23.(in Persian)
Pour Taheri, M. Sojasi Ghidari, H. & Sadqlv, T. (2011). Comparative evaluation of methods of ranking techniques environmental hazards in rural areas (Case Study: Zanjan province), Rural Research, the second, the third issue, Ss.54-31.(in Persian)
Pour-Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Zadeh & Mosayebzadeh. (2008). The vulnerability of cities to the earthquake and the role of community participation in disaster relief, the Journal of Geography and Development, Number 12.(in Persian)
Pourtaheri, Mehdi. Haji Nejad, Ali. Fattaneh, Ahmad, Nemati, Ahmad. (2014). An evaluation of the physical vulnerability of rural settlements against natural hazards (earthquakes) model Kvpras decision (Case Study: Chalanchulan city of rural peace), Journal of Spatial Planning, Volume Eighteen, No. 3, Fall, 30 52.(in Persian)
Pourtaheri, Mehdi. Parishan, Mahdi. Rukn al-Din Eftekhari, Abdulreza & Asgar Ali. (2011). Assessment and evaluation of the components of risk management basis earthquake (The case of the rural areas of Qazvin city), Journal of Rural Studies, Issue One, Spring, pp. 115-150.(in Persian)
Rajai Abdul Hamid. (2003). Geography planning of urban and rural, the publisher, Tehran.(in Persian)
Rezvani Mohammadreza. (2011). Introduction to rural development planning in Iran, Fourth Edition, published by publishing Ghomes, Tehran.(in Persian)
Rohit Jigyasu. (2004). Sustainable Post Disaster Reconstruction throughIntegrated Risk Management, the Case of Rural Communities South Asia.
Rukn al-Din eftekhari, Abdulreza. Vazin, N. & Pour Taheri, M. (2009). The process of disaster management in both native and new methods: Stew Rustam rural area (city anklet), a lecturer in the Humanities Journal, Volume 13, Number 1, Spring, pp. 94-63.(in Persian)
Tabesh Pour, Mohammed. (2007). Criteria for simple masonry buildings, Fifth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering. Tehran.(in Persian)
UN/ISDR. (2007). Terminology: Basic terms of disaster risk reduction, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. (http://www.unisdr.org).
UNDP. (1997). Capacity Development. Technical Advisory Paper 2, United Nations Development Program, New York.
Yodmani, S. (2000). Disaster Risk Management and Vulnerability Reduction: Protecting the Poor, Paper Presented at The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty Organized by Asian Development Bank.
YodmaniS. (2001). Disaster riskmanagement and vulnerability reduction: protectingthe poor, Social protection workshop 6: protecting communities – Social funds and disaster.
Zafari, Hossein. & Veysi, Reza. (2011). Analysis of factors affecting public participation in order to reduce the risk of natural disasters (A Case Study in: Tehran city Branch), Journal of Housing and Environment, No. 35, Fall, pp. 105-120.(in Persian)
Zvaigzne, Anda. (2005). Risk management in Rural Tourism Enterprises in Latvia, Resume of the PHD paper for the scientific degree of Dr, oec,: Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics.