Evaluation Environment Site Industrials Estate in Qom Province
Subject Areas : soil pollutionMasoud Monavari 1 , Ali Akbar Dimyadi 2 *
1 - Assistant professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.
2 - M.Sc Environmental Assessment, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Industrial estate, environmental criteria, Boolean Algebra, Qom province, GIS,
Abstract :
There are a number of issues that complicate adopting appropriate policies in relation to industrial development. These issues include an uneven distribution of the population across the country, an accelerated rate of urbanization, and environmental degradation as a result of poor site location. An appropriate site location in accordance with industrial principles is a significant step towards improving the environment, nation-wide industrial development and also principled and logical rural and urban growth. This research uses the high capabilities of GIS systems in collecting, analyzing, and managing data. Digital maps and environmental criteria were obtained from executive departments and field trips. Using the Boolean Method at the scale of 1:250,000, the researchers combined the maps that provide limitations to evaluate the environmental implication of industrial estates in Qom Province. In Stage Two, overlaying the maps of the current industrial estates with those maps of the limitations indicated that Shokohiyeh Industrial Estate has no limitation (except the southern part of it). The second phase of 325 hectare was fully covered with the limitation map and the 1000-hectare development plan was located to be in the permissible zone. The current developmental phases of Mahmoodabad Industrial estate are located in the permissible area. Also, the current location of Salafchegan Industrial Estate is sporadically located in the prohibited areas. Given the above research the location of Shokohiyeh and Salafchegan industrial estates is not appropriate. This requires the industrial units to firmly adhere to environmental principles particularly those related to pollutant units in Salafchegan. Although the location of Mahmoodabad Industrial estate appears to be appropriate, it is still very important to supervise the environmental impact of these units in reducing the pollution.