Presenting Strategies for the Revitalization of the Safavid Gardens of Behshahr, Emphasizing the Components of Green Landscape Design
Subject Areas : soil pollutionSeyede Mohaddeseh Najafi Teroujeni 1 , Sara Nahibi 2 * , Hossein Moosavi Fatemi 3
1 - M.Sc. Environmental Design, Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Lecturer, Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: urban green landscape, Safavid gardens of Behshahr, Identity, Historical Gardens, revitalization,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: The historical garden needs protection due to its natural wealth, physical, historical and cultural values. The lands' historical landscapes remaining from the past are considered a symbol of the identity and civilization of its ancestors, which gives meaning to life of its nation. The Safavid gardens of Behshahr are among the Iranian gardens built at the same time as the foundation of Ashraf Al-Balad city. This series has undergone many changes throughout history, and only a small part of it remains. Protecting and revitalizing the Safavid gardens in Behshahr is an action to promote the identity and revival of the native culture of this city and country.this research aims to identify the most significant components of urban green landscape design in the studied area and their applications in the design and revitalization of the historical gardens of this city. Research method: The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and the information is collected through library and field studies. After completing the questionnaires, all the obtained information was analyzed through the Delphi method and SWOT analysis. Additionally, the site design criteria were extracted according to the research objectives. Findings: The most important factors affecting the revitalization of the urban green landscape are physical and functional, social, identity, environmental, landscape and visual, and historical factors. According to the findings of the research, identity factors were the most important influencing factors in the areas of Safavid gardens in Behshahr. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the studies of area knowledge and evaluation of experts' opinions, it is concluded that creating an authentic and lively space that meets the needs of visitors requires the basic design and revitalization of historical gardens, which have shaped the core of this city. The results show that this action improves urban life and identity.
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- 4- Gamal, h., yehia, m., fathahllah, a., A Comprehensive Approach for the revitalization of historical gardens: the case study of Antoniadis in Alexandria, Egypt. EPRA international jornal of research and development (IJRD), 2020, 5 (2), 186-196.
- 5- Mansouri R S., Esfanjari K I., Irani B H., Reading the Urban Landscape of Ashraf al-Belad in the Safavid Period: Investigating its Relation to the Safavid Garden Complex, Journal of Iranian Architectural Studies, 2021, 9 (18), 25-47. (In Persian)
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- 8- Nakhaei N., Ansari M., Zandiyeh M., Rehabilitation Pattern of Iranian Historical Gardens’ Landscape in Dry Areas Based on Xeriscape, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2017, 18(4), 289- 301. (In Persian)
- 9- Hasibi A., Fallah F SH., Laghai H., Theory and Techniques for Revitalization of Urban Park in Old Context of City with Emphasis on Conservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage (Case study: The First Tehran’s public park), Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2014, 16(3), 137-154. (In Persian)
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- 23- Majedi H., Amjad H., Bahmanpour H., A model to Revitalization of Historical and Cultural Places (Case study: Moshir - o - Almamalek, Garden City of Yazd), Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2014, 15 (4), 119- 132. (In Persian)
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- 29- Rezazadeh R., Heydarnattaj V., Recognition Farahabad Jahan-Nama Garden Based On Archaeological Evidence and Historical Indications, Pazhohesh -ha-ye bastanshenasi Iran, 2017, 7 (14), 207- 220. (In Persian)
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- 31- Heydarnattaj V., The Formation Norm of Iranian Garden on the basis of Safavid samples in the southern coast of Caspian Sea; the case study: Gardens in Behshahr, Doctoral dissertation, university of Tehran, 2011. (In Persian)
- 32- Okhovat H., Conceptual, Functional And Esthetic Analysis Of Natural Principles Of Water And Plant With An Emphasis On Spatial Aspects Of Persian Gardens, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2015, 16 (1), 559- 572. (In Persian)
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- 35- Mansouri S A., The Origin of Beauty in Persian Garden, Manzar, 2019, 11 (47), 3-3. (In Persian)
- 36- Haghighatbin M., Study of Design and Aesthetic Principals of Persian Garden in MajorCity Axis (Safavid) and Its Influence Outside of Iran(Sub-Continent of India and europe), Doctoral dissertation in Art Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, 2010. (In Persian)
- 37- Shayestehfar M., The Relation Of Religion And The Art Of Illustrating In The Timurid And The Early Safavid Periods, Modarres human sciences, 2000, 4 (15), 25- 40. (In Persian)
- 38- Memarian Gh h., Pirnia M k., Getting to know the Islamic architecture of Iran, twenty first print, Tehran: Naghme, 2014. (In Persian)
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- 48- Toomani M., Criteria of Historical Landscape Design, effective on Restoration and tourism industry development (Shahrestanak Ghajar palace), Master’s thesis Engineering of Architecture, Tarbiat modares university, 2008. (In Persian)
- 49- Mansouri T., Jahanbakhsh H., Exploring how to improve the urban landscape through the body and revive cultural values-Historic City (Case Study: Kermanshah Modares Street), Jornal of Physical- Spatial planning, 2014, 1 (3), 89- 102. (In Persian)
- 50- Nasiri M., Habibi H., The cities of iranshahr; Group research of Iranology Foundation, second volume: babahaydar Pishin, Tehran: Iranology Foundation, 2011. (In Persian)
- 51- Jafari A., Gita shenasi -ye -Iran, volume 3, Iran geographical encyclopedia, second print,Gitashenasi Geographical and cartographic publications, 2005. (In Persian)
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- 53- Melgunov G. (writer), Amini A H. (Translator), the southern shores of the Caspian Sea; travelogue, ketab sara, 1997. (In Persian)
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- 55- Sotoudeh M., From Astara to Astarabad, volume 5, second print, Thran: Agah, 1996.
- 56- Haddadadel Gh., Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam, volume 4, Encyclopedia Islamica Foundation, (In Persian)
- 1- Atashinbar m., The Continuity of Identity in Urban Landscape, Bagh-e Nazar, 2009, 6(12), 45-56 . (In Persian)
- 2- Rakhshan E., Zabihi H., Majedi H., Reload The Identity Components In The View Of Contemporary Cities, Urban management, 2018, 17 (51), 75-86. (In Persian)
- 3- Abouei R., Jahani H., Restoration of Persian Gardens, Soffeh, 2012, (57), 107-117. (In Persian)
- 4- Gamal, h., yehia, m., fathahllah, a., A Comprehensive Approach for the revitalization of historical gardens: the case study of Antoniadis in Alexandria, Egypt. EPRA international jornal of research and development (IJRD), 2020, 5 (2), 186-196.
- 5- Mansouri R S., Esfanjari K I., Irani B H., Reading the Urban Landscape of Ashraf al-Belad in the Safavid Period: Investigating its Relation to the Safavid Garden Complex, Journal of Iranian Architectural Studies, 2021, 9 (18), 25-47. (In Persian)
- 6- Granzow, M., The Production of Public Space in a Small Canadian City: AnAnalysis of Spatial Practicesin the Revitalizing of Galt Gardens. Space and Culture, 2017, 20(3), 344-358.
- 7- Afrasiabi M A., Revitalization and Restoration of Visual Axis of Shiraz Chahar- bagh (Safavid Historical Street), Master’s thesis Engineering of landscape Architecture, Tarbiat modares university, 2017. (In Persian)
- 8- Nakhaei N., Ansari M., Zandiyeh M., Rehabilitation Pattern of Iranian Historical Gardens’ Landscape in Dry Areas Based on Xeriscape, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2017, 18(4), 289- 301. (In Persian)
- 9- Hasibi A., Fallah F SH., Laghai H., Theory and Techniques for Revitalization of Urban Park in Old Context of City with Emphasis on Conservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage (Case study: The First Tehran’s public park), Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2014, 16(3), 137-154. (In Persian)
- 10- Almasifar N., Bemanian M R., Ansari M., Rehabilitation Of Takhteh Soleyman Cultural (Historical) Landscape, Urban management, 2011, 8(26), 7-26. (In Persian)
- 11- Habibi S M., Maghsoudi M., Urban Renovation: International Definitions, Theories, Experiences, Charters & Declarations, Urban Methods and Operations, 7th Edition, Tehrn: university of Tehran, 2014, chapter 1. (In Persian)
- 12- Daviran E., Meshkini A., Kazemian Gh., Aliabadi Z., Intervention In The Arranging Of Exhausted Fabrics With The Combination Approach (Case Study: Zeinabieh Quarter In Zanjan City), Research and urban planning, 2012, 2 (7), 71-90. (In Persian)
- 13- Rasouli S H., Momenpour A S., Azimizadeh E., Ghasemi T S M ., Profile of the authors of the article Necessity of improving and renovating dilapidated urban tissues (case study: Sari city), The third international conference on new researches in management, economics and humanities, June 5 2016, Batumi- Georgia. (In Persian)
- 14- Nasr T., Evaluation Of Renovation Measures For Urban Deteriorated Fabrics In Iran (In Comparison To Global Renovation Experiences) In Line With The Objectives Of Sustainable Development, Journal of regional planning, 2017, 7 (27), 181-198. (In Persian)
- 15- Falamaki M M., Revitalization of historical manuments & cities, Tehran: university of Tehran, 2007. (In Persian)
- 16- Negarestan F., Teimouri M., Atashinbar M,. Landscape Theory, an Approach to the Preservation of Identity in Urban Renewal, Bagh- e Nazar, 2010, 7 (14), 59- 68. (In Persian)
- 17- Pakzad J., Theoretical foundations and urban design process, Tehran: shahidi, 2007. (In Persian)
- 18- Mahmoudi S A S., Urban landscape: a review of several theories, Abadi, 2015, 16(53), 54- 61. (In Persian)
- 19- Golkar K., The concept of urban landscape, Abadi, 2015, 16 (53), 38- 47. (In Persian)
- 20- Faizi M., Azemati H R., An introduction to the knowledge of landscape architecture approaches and evaluations, Journal of Environmental science and technology (JEST), 2008, 10(3), 51- 60. (In Persian)
- 21- Waterman T., The fundamentals of landscape architecture, London: Bloomsbury, 2015.
- 22- Tolu A Sh., The fundamentals of conservation and restoration of historic gardens, Abadi, 2006, 16 (51), 6-15. (In Persian)
- 23- Majedi H., Amjad H., Bahmanpour H., A model to Revitalization of Historical and Cultural Places (Case study: Moshir - o - Almamalek, Garden City of Yazd), Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2014, 15 (4), 119- 132. (In Persian)
- 24- Bani A M., Historical Gardens Of Tabriz, Tehran: Cultural Research Office, 2011. (In Persian)
- 25- Aryanpour A., A general survey of Persian grdens and an investigation of the historial gardens of Shiraz, Tehran: Farhangsara, 1986. (In Persian)
- 26- Shahcheraghi A., paradigm of Paradise (Recognition and Re-Creation of The Persian garden), Third print, Tehran: ACECR Publishers, 2012. (In Persian)
- 27- Zandiyeh M., Arabcolghar A., A Study Of The Pattern System Of Baghe Takht In Shiraz By Recreation Of The Garden Map, Bagh- e Nazar, 2013, 9 (23), 11-20. (In Persian)
- 28- Barati N,. Gardens and Construction of the Gardens in the Iranian Culture and Persian Language, Bagh- e Nazar, 2005, 1 (2), 3- 15. (In Persian)
- 29- Rezazadeh R., Heydarnattaj V., Recognition Farahabad Jahan-Nama Garden Based On Archaeological Evidence and Historical Indications, Pazhohesh -ha-ye bastanshenasi Iran, 2017, 7 (14), 207- 220. (In Persian)
- 30- Soltanzadeh H., Design continuity of the persian Garden in Taj Mahal Mausoleum of an Iranian origin lady, Tehran: iran cultural studies, 2000. (In Persian)
- 31- Heydarnattaj V., The Formation Norm of Iranian Garden on the basis of Safavid samples in the southern coast of Caspian Sea; the case study: Gardens in Behshahr, Doctoral dissertation, university of Tehran, 2011. (In Persian)
- 32- Okhovat H., Conceptual, Functional And Esthetic Analysis Of Natural Principles Of Water And Plant With An Emphasis On Spatial Aspects Of Persian Gardens, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 2015, 16 (1), 559- 572. (In Persian)
- 33- Naeema Gh., Persian gardens, Fifth Print, Tehran: Payam, 2014. (In Persian)
- 34- Mansouri M S., Water, as the Origin of Beauty in Persian Garden, Manzar, 2019, 11 (48), 30- 39. (In Persian)
- 35- Mansouri S A., The Origin of Beauty in Persian Garden, Manzar, 2019, 11 (47), 3-3. (In Persian)
- 36- Haghighatbin M., Study of Design and Aesthetic Principals of Persian Garden in MajorCity Axis (Safavid) and Its Influence Outside of Iran(Sub-Continent of India and europe), Doctoral dissertation in Art Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, 2010. (In Persian)
- 37- Shayestehfar M., The Relation Of Religion And The Art Of Illustrating In The Timurid And The Early Safavid Periods, Modarres human sciences, 2000, 4 (15), 25- 40. (In Persian)
- 38- Memarian Gh h., Pirnia M k., Getting to know the Islamic architecture of Iran, twenty first print, Tehran: Naghme, 2014. (In Persian)
- 39- Seddigh M., Teaching landscape design sketches, Mashhad: Kasra, 2013. (In Persian)
- 40- Rouhani Gh., Garden design and green space construction, Tehran: Farhange jame, 2011. (In Persian)
- 41- Motedayen H., Causes of Appearance of Iran’s Historical Gardens, Bagh -e -Nazar, 2011, 7 (15), 51- 62. (In Persian)
- 42- Shiravand D., Principles of landscape and space design with ornamental trees and shrubs, second print, Tehran: Agricultural Education and Promotion, 2012. (In Persian)
- 43- Behzadfar M., City identity (look at the identity of city of Tehran), Tehran: Nashre Shahr, 2009. (In Persian)
- 44- Golmohammadi A., Globalization, Culture, Identity, Tehran: Ney publications, 2002. (In Persian)
- 45- Gharab N., Urban Identity, Tehran: Rah Dan, 2012. (In Persian)
- 46- Kalantari Kh H., Pourahmad A., management and planning to reclaim historical Region of Yazd City, Geographical Research quarterly, 37 (54), 77-92. (In Persian)
- 47- Hojjat I., Man-made identity, identity-making human (reflection on the relationship between identity and architecture), Honar-ha-ye-ziba, 2006, 24, 55-62. (In Persian)
- 48- Toomani M., Criteria of Historical Landscape Design, effective on Restoration and tourism industry development (Shahrestanak Ghajar palace), Master’s thesis Engineering of Architecture, Tarbiat modares university, 2008. (In Persian)
- 49- Mansouri T., Jahanbakhsh H., Exploring how to improve the urban landscape through the body and revive cultural values-Historic City (Case Study: Kermanshah Modares Street), Jornal of Physical- Spatial planning, 2014, 1 (3), 89- 102. (In Persian)
- 50- Nasiri M., Habibi H., The cities of iranshahr; Group research of Iranology Foundation, second volume: babahaydar Pishin, Tehran: Iranology Foundation, 2011. (In Persian)
- 51- Jafari A., Gita shenasi -ye -Iran, volume 3, Iran geographical encyclopedia, second print,Gitashenasi Geographical and cartographic publications, 2005. (In Persian)
- 52- Babaasgari A., Ashraf- al- balad, Tehran: Iranchap Corporation, 1971. (In Persian)
- 53- Melgunov G. (writer), Amini A H. (Translator), the southern shores of the Caspian Sea; travelogue, ketab sara, 1997. (In Persian)
- 54- Wilber D. (writer), Saba M. (Translator), Persian gardens & garden pavilions, second print, Tehran: elmifarhangi , 2011. (In Persian)
- 55- Sotoudeh M., From Astara to Astarabad, volume 5, second print, Thran: Agah, 1996.
- 56- Haddadadel Gh., Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam, volume 4, Encyclopedia Islamica Foundation, (In Persian)