Estimating the Recreational of Taleghan Dam by Travel Cost Method
Subject Areas : soil pollutionZahra Abedi 1 * , Payam Mahmood Kalayeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor and Faculty of Environment and Energy of the Islamic Azad University ,science and research Branch.
2 - Graduate student Department of Environmental Economics Faculty of Energy and Environment, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch.
Keywords: Economic valuation, Cost of travel, Recreational value, Travel demand curve, Taleghan area,
Abstract :
Taleghan zone is located in 150th km of Northwest of Tehran in a great valley in Alborz Mountains and is considered a summer resort. It attracts many tourists due to its cheering nature and historical and cultural appeals. Construction of Taleghan dam and the resulting lake have a considerable influence on the natural view of this zone and are the main factors for attracting the tourists. Considering the above-mentioned special conditions of the zone, its economic values may be studied. in this research, an action has been made in investigating and calculation of Taleghan dam tourism value through travel cost method. For this purpose, some semicircles with constant intervals have been drawn encompassing the whole regions from which the visitors have come considering the dam as the center. Then the economical and social data obtained from the questionnaires completed by the visitors was analyzed. Considering the available data, the diagram is drawn between travel cost and number of visitors to the region. The new ratio of visitors will then be obtained and the demand curve of the zone will be drawn by considering different entries and its addition to total access costs. Finally, tourism value of the zone will be calculated through calculating the level below the demand curve. This value is equal 4965000 Rls per day.