Presenting the model of the key factors of success in the establishment of environmentally friendly green supply chain management in Iran's construction industry
Subject Areas : Environmental managmentKajal Zarei 1 , Elmira Mashayekhi 2 * , Behrouz Zarei 3
1 - 1- PhD student, Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Content Validity Method, Construction Industry, Establishment of Green Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain, Metasynthesis Research Method. ,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Today, we are witnessing the increasing importance of environmental awareness and protection. Green supply chain management is considered as an effective tool to reduce the negative effects of companies on the environment. However, the extent of the effect of the successful establishment of green supply chain management on green supply chain management practices and how to establish green supply chain is always unclear. Therefore, the aim of this research is to provide a model of the key factors of success in the establishment of environmentally friendly green supply chain management in Iran's construction industry.
Material and Methodology: Since this research is of a qualitative type, after conducting library studies and collecting the relevant literature of the research, related articles were identified and the results obtained were analyzed using the method of metasynthesis and content validity. After performing metasynthesis method, selected articles were extracted. Also, after selecting the articles and extracting the codes, content validity was used to extract the model. The result was the extraction of the model of the key factors of success in the establishment of environmentally friendly green supply chain management in Iran's construction industry.
Findings: Based on the findings of the metasynthesis method and content validity, 56 sub-criteria in the form of 16 main criteria "existence of laws supporting green management", "government support policies", "social performance of the green supply chain", "cultural aspects of society", "cooperation with suppliers", "Integration of environmental processes", "Green human resources", "Environmental awareness, education and learning", "Water, energy and waste management", "Environmentally compatible design and production", "Management support systems", "Attention to Green purchasing", "attention to green packaging and transportation", "attention to green marketing", "improvement of financial performance of green supply chain" and "improvement of environmental performance" form the components of the model.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results of the research led to the presentation of the model of key success factors in the establishment of green supply chain management in Iran's construction industry, which can be used by industrialists and researchers.
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