Implementing monitoring range plans to improve their quantity and quality (Case study: Isfahan range management plans)
Subject Areas :Vali ollah Raufi Rad 1 * , Ghodratollah Heidari 2 , Reza Shojaei 3
1 - Department of Rangeland, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran.
2 - Department of Rangeland, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran.
3 - Department of Rangeland, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran.
Keywords: exploiters, economic problems, Isfahan, range plans, technical problems,
Abstract :
This study evaluated the implementation or non-implementation of predicted project of range plan in Isfahan province. Accordingly, first, the list of range management plans was prepared. Next, the list of predicted projects for each plan was extracted. Afterwards, quantity and quality of information and barriers to project implementation were determined by using the field visits of rangelands, interviews with experts and exploiters of rangelands. The results showed that the predicted projects of Range plans have not completely implemented (average 37/58%). In the meantime, the projects of water container, livestock wells, aqueducts and fountains and pile had the best condition and dry farming, direct seeding had the worst condition. Also The revise of the Range Management Plan, failure to provide banking facilities for projects, weakness monitoring projects, problems with the proximity of range allotments, no exit surplus livestock, venture capital for projects, formulates problems in range, and the lack of consent of plan executors were the most important technical, social and economic barriers. It seems that range plans do not have enough efficiency due to technical, social and economic problems. Therefore, they should be revised in this regard regarding multiuse of rangelands