WISC-R is alive in Iran: Standardization of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised (WISC-R) in the 15 years children
Subject Areas :mehriar nadrmohammadi 1 * , maryam shafiepour 2
1 - Department of Psychiatry - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
2 - Graduate Student, Department of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Ardabil
Keywords: Standardization, Weschler intelligence scale for Children- Revised (WISC-R), 15 years old Children,
Abstract :
Objective: Due to the increasing use of the WISC-R in Iran clinical centers and not been standardized this test in 15 years old children. The purpose of this study was standardizing the WISC-R in 15 years old children.Method: This research was descriptive. 120 subjects (60 girls and 60 boys) were selected by random sampling in three age groups (4 months apart). Descriptive statistics parameters of raw scores of sub-scales were calculated and raw scores were converted to standard scores using non-linear transformation using Z table. The standard scores of each subscale were converted linearly to a scaled score with an average of 10 and standard deviation of 3 ss=((z*3)+10) . Reliability of verbal, performance and total subscales were evaluated the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The mean of verbal, performance and total intelligence was calculated.Results: For each of age groups obtained convert tables for transformation raw scores to scaled scores. The mean and standard deviation of row scores in all three age groups were calculated in 12 subscales. Using the scores of the 10 original subscales, the average of verbal, performance and the full scale intelligence respectively were VIQ=96.93, PIQ=97.12 FSIQ=96.69. The average relibility (Cronbach's alpha) of the verbal, performance and total subscales respectively were α=0.82, 0.71, 0.84. Conclusion: Regarding these results, it can be stated that WISC-R can be used to determine the intelligence in 15 years old students and until the standardization of the latest versions of WISC conversion tables can be used by counselors, psychologists for this age group.