Validation of leadership power and its relationship with job commitment in Air Force officers of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas :
Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi
Mahnaz Askarian
1 - Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
2 - Ashtian Branch Islamic Azad Univercity Of Iran
Keywords: Keywords: Validation, leadership power, organizational commitment, , Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Senior Officers,
Abstract :
The present study was a psychometric-correlation study with the aim of validating the leadership power questionnaire and examining the relationship between leadership power and organizational commitment of employees in the Air Force of the Republic of Iran. The statistical population of the research is made up the officers of the Air Force of the Republic of Iran. The sample size was estimated using the structural equation modeling procedure, 10 samples for each observable variable, and considering that the research scales had 40 questions, the sample size was determined to be 400 people. Reliability of the leadership power scale using methods of calculating Cronbach's alpha and Tasneef showed that the value obtained for reliability was 0.743 and 0.673 with Cronbach's alpha methods and Tasneef , respectively, which shows the reliability of the leadership power scale. The values of cross-validity for the structure of leadership power were 0.134 and the structure of organizational commitment was 0.058. The positive values of these values indicate the appropriateness of cross-validit. the values of Cronbach's alpha in the measurement model of two constructs for leadership power were 0.762 and organizational commitment 0.8, and homogeneous reliability for the two constructs were 0.817 and 0.683, respectively. Composite reliability was 0.803 for leadership power structure and 0.713 for organizational commitment. The convergent validity for the leadership strength construct was 0.536, which was more than the acceptable value of 0.5. This value for the structure of organizational commitment was 0.634. The divergent or diagnostic validity for leadership power was 0.732.; It confirmed the divergent validity of the measurement model and finally it can be said that the factor structure of the questionnaire was confirmed through the experimental data of the current research. Also, the significant correlation relationship between leadership power and organizational commitment and its dimensions was confirmed.