Development and standardization of critical thinking skills assessment questionaire for elementary students
Subject Areas :
1 - kharazmi university
Keywords: Critical Thinking, Elementary School Students, Instrumentation,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to constract and standardize students critical thinking skills assessment questionaire. The methodological approach that is used in this research mixed method and according to the purpose of the subject, the type of exploratory research is a kind of tool development. This research is qualitative and quantitive quantization procedure. The combination data was quantitativey coupled to the data connection and weight was slightly higher than the stage. In the qualitative stage, for identifying the comonents of critical thinking and compiling tools from delphi technology and interviewing 6 experts. The small stage was a tool crated among 600, male and female student in kermanshah, who are studing at the fourth to sixth grade. To invistigat the factor structure of the questionare, we used r- software for exploratory factor analysis and lisrel 8.72 software is used for confirmatory factor analysis with random sample of 317people resulted in in seven factors that correlated with seven content factors and corrected 0/54 variance. The factor analysis the correlation between the factors, promax rotation was used. In the confirmatory factor analysis the exponetial estimation method was used with a population sample of of 283 people and a good fitness indexes were investigated. results of chi2 ratio on degree of freedom, RMSEA & SRMR accompanied with CFI & IFI point to good fit of model. In testing the psychometrics features, the amount of total chronbach alpha of 0.79 attained showing suitable validity. The test-retest cofficient of the questionare was 0/96 for 2 weeks, which shows the favorable reliability of questionnaire.