Comparative study of praise of the Prophet Mohammad in the works of Attar and Bousiri
Subject Areas : epic
1 - دانشجوی دکتری رشتة زبان و ادبیات عرب ـ دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی.
Keywords: Comparative Literature, praise of prophets, traditional and religious themes, Mohammadan Reality,
Abstract :
Praise of prophets is one of the poetic themes whose main focus is the character of the prophet Mohammad (S). In this poetic genre, the poet describes the different dimensions of the prophet’s character and worships him because of his appearance, moral characteristics and speaks of his miracles and all that is in connection with his mission. This poetry has arisen from a heart which is absolutely pure and sincere and is based on a passion kindled and inspired by the belief in the prophet’s mission and love towards his humane and godlike virtues. Due to the special place this genre of poetry has in the Persian and Arabic literature the present research has attempted to make a comparative study of praise of prophets in Attar’s and Bousiri’s works in order to reflect the different aspects of this poetic genre in the outstanding works of these two great poets.
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