The Eco feministic analysis of women’s weeping in Shahnameh
Subject Areas : epic
Hasti Ghaderi Sohi Ghaderi Sohi
Mehyar Alavi Moghaddam
Ebrahim Estaji
Ali Tasnimi
1 - Ph.D student of epic literature, Hakim Sabzevari University
2 - Associate professor of Persian language and literature, Hakim Sabzevari University
3 - Department of Persian language and literature, faculty of literature and humanities,Hakim Sabzevari university, Sabzevar, Iran.
4 - Department of Persian language and literature, faculty of literature and humanities,Hakim Sabzevari university, Sabzevar, Iran
Keywords: Shahnameh, Eco environment, Eco feminism, weeping,
Abstract :
Abstract Environmental crisis in the present era have led man to seek fundamental solutions to overcome these crisis and their consequences. Ecofeminism as an approach branching from feminism with Eco environmental beliefs attempts to change the beliefs that are merely after managing the consequences of the environmental crisis. Eco feminists regard endless developing oriented beliefs of men as the main reason for the destruction of the environment and they are after finding ways to equalize the standpoint of women with men and prevent men to carry out their dominant intentions. The relationship of women with nature, the connection between dominance over woman and nature, and the role of women in solving the ecological problems are among the main tenets of Eco feminism. As an epic masterpiece, Shahnameh has exerted significant influence over the Persians thought and culture and its study with the Ecofeministic eye could prove beneficial. Relying on the library sources and employing descriptive analytic method this article aims to examine the mourning and weeping of women (Tahmineh, Farangis, and Katayun) in Shahnameh from the perspective of Ecofeminism. The outcome of the research is that this mourning in most cases is feminine device to stand against the dominance of men, and their hunger for development and expansion; expansion which is closely connected with the war and destruction of the environment and in this regard it goes hand in hand with eco feministic purposes.
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