The authenticity of the narration in the ancient Borzonameh based on the comaparison of the two Gurani and Persian narratives
Subject Areas :
Arash Akbari Mafakher
1 - کانون فردوسیِ مرکز دایره المعارف بزرگ اسلامی
Received: 2021-09-18
Accepted : 2022-07-14
Published : 2022-09-23
Rostam and Borzo,
Gurani language,
Abstract :
AbstractThe old section of Borzonameh is one of the prominent works in the Persian epic literature and its two Gurani and Persian narratives are available. From the latter four main manuscripts close to 4200 verses exist such as the Cambridge manuscript 829 lunar, Dehli manuscript, 831 lunar Bysonghori 833 lunar, and Leningrad 849 lunar . From the former there is an manuscript dated 1345 lunar in 2357 verses. The striking resemblances of these two narratives is the motive for the writer of this article to compare them and study three hypothesis regarding the origin of their formation. First the existence of one common prose source for both narratives which due to the 500 years distance in writing the possibility of their comparison do not seem logical and scientific. Second, the translation of the text from Persian to Gurani is not possibe due to the elemination of nearly 2000 verses from the Shahnameh, and third the translation of the text from Gurani to Farsi seems more logical and is more feasible since in view of finding exact equivalence of dictions, translation of Gurani phrases and hemistichs into Persian as well as adding hemistichs or verses in addition to what exist in the main text of the story from Shahnameh looks more reasonable.
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