Comparing the Effectiveness of Positive Couple Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Improving Marital Adjustment and Psychological Well-Being among Family in Shiraz
Subject Areas :
Samaneh Najarpourian
Farzaneh hassani
Abdolvahab Samavi
siamak Samani
1 - Department of psychology, University of Hormozgan , Iran
2 - Department of psychology, University of Hormozgan , Iran
3 - Department of educational sciences faculty of humanities university of hormozgan Bandar Abbas Iran
4 - Department of psychology, Shiraz branch,Islamic Azad university, Shiraz, Iran
Received: 2020-10-11
Accepted : 2021-02-04
Published : 2021-01-20
Psychological well-being,
marital adjustment,
Positive Couple Therapy,
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy,
Abstract :
Introduction:In recent years, efforts to increase the level of mental health and improve the relationship between couples in order to increase family stability and prevent marital turmoil and divorce has been considered. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of positive couple therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy on improving marital adjustment and psychological well-being.
Materials and Methods:In this quasi-experimental research method along with pretest-posttest design used with three groups (two experimental groups, a positive couple therapy group, a Solution-Focused Therapy group and a control group). The statistical population consisted of all married couples in Shiraz. The sampling method was improbably purposeful. 48 people who scored lower in psychological well-being and marital adjustment were considered as the final sample. 16 people were placed in each group. The experimental groups were treated in 8 sessions of 90 minutes. Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale and Spanier Adjustment Questionnaire were used to collect data.
Findings:The results showed that both therapeutic approaches had an effect on psychological well-being and improving marital adjustment in families. (P≤ 0.05) But no significant difference was observed between the effectiveness of the two intervention methods (P> 0.05).
Conclusion:The findings of the present study provide acceptable empirical support for the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and positive couple therapy.
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