Psychometric Properties of Lee McCullough affect phobia Questionnaire
Subject Areas :
masoud mohammadi
ghasem naziri
shahrokh ezzat zadegan jahromi
1 - PhD Student in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Received: 2021-01-23
Accepted : 2021-07-18
Published : 2021-05-22
affect phobia,
Abstract :
Introduction: The affect phobia Questionnaire was designed by McCullough and et al. developed as effectiveness instrument of assessing, experiencing, expressing, and regulating emotions to enhance an individual basic capacity in relation to others and ourselves.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 290 (men, women) nurses from several hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and psychiatric patients referred to these centers in 2019-2020 were selected by available sampling method and them completed the Toronto Alexithymia and affect phobia questionnaires.
Findings: Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole questionnaire was 0.73. Test-retest reliability showed a correlation coefficient of 0.79(for nurses group) after one month. Also, the correlation coefficient of this instrument with Alexithymia Questionnaire was -0.33. Eigenvalues 4 larger factors is 1 and explains the percentage coverage of common variance between variables for these 4 factors on 5.62% of the total variance of variables.
Discussion andConclusion: based on the research findings the questionnaire with four dimensions was introduced and named. The present study shows that the Affect Phobia Test could be used as a screening instrument prior to affect focused therapy.
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