Comparison of the effectiveness of quality of life therapy and compassion-focused therapy in the distress tolerance and meaning in life in of women with marital conflicts
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
shima araghian
hamid nejat
hassan toozandejani
zahra bagherzadeh golmakani
1 - ph.D. Student of Psychology. Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur branch.Neyshabur. iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Psychology , Department of Clinical psychology, Faculty of Psychology.Islamic Azad University, Quchan branch, Quchan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Psychology , Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Azad University,Neyshabur branch,Neyshabur,Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Psychology , Department of psychology, Faculty of Psychology.Islamic Azad University. Neyshabur branch,Neyshabur, Iran
Keywords: Meaning in life, distress tolerance, Quality of life improvement, compassion,
Abstract :
The role of family as the smallest social unit can be effective both in positive and negative aspect. The present study aims to compare the effectiveness of quality of life therapy and compassion-focused therapy in distress tolerance and meaning in life in of women with marital conflicts. The present study is a semi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest and follow-up control group design. The statistical population comprised all married female students with marital conflicts. The statistical sample included 45 of these students who were selected by convenience sampling and were randomly assigned into three groups of 15 people. The first group received quality of life therapy; the second group underwent compassion-focused therapy and the third group was placed on the waiting list as the control group. Simmons and Gahir Distress Tolerance Questionnaire and Steger Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) were used. For data analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance was applied. The results demonstrated that according to the calculated which is lower than the F criterion at the 0.05 level, both types of treatment have been effective in distress tolerance and the meaning in life. In the variable of distress tolerance the compassion-focused therapy have had better results than the quality of life skills and in the variable of meaning in life, the quality of life skills has had better results than the compassion-focused therapy; but the difference between the groups is not significant (p < 0.05).
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