The mediating role of Psychological Empowerment in the relationship of Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived Social Support with the Work Quality of Life
Subject Areas : TectonostratigraphyParvin Razmjooei 1 * , Reza Zarei 2
1 - Educational Administration, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.
2 - Educational Administration, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.
Keywords: "Work Quality of Life", "Perceived Organizational Support", ", Perceived social support", , "Psychological Empowerment",
Abstract :
The main aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support on the work quality of life by considering the mediating role of psychological empowerment. A descriptive-correlative method was used in this study. The statistical population of this study included contractual women teachers . They were 128 persons at the time of study. Because of the small sample size, sampling is a census method that includes all units of the community. Four questionnaires of Perceived Organizational Support (Eisenberger et al), Perceived Social Support (Zimet et al) Psychological Empowerment (Spreitzer), Work Quality of Life (Walton), were used for gathering information. The validity and reliability of questionnaires were confirmed. The Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Structural Equation Modeling) using Spss18 and Amos18 softwares. Results of the analyzed data showed that there was a direct and meaningful relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived Family Support with the Quality of Work Life and Psychological Empowerment. The overall conclusion also showes that Psychological Empowerment plays a mediating role in the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived Social Support (Family dimension) with Qualitative of Work Life. This means that by improving the psychological empowerment, organizational support and family support, it is possible to improve the quality of life of contractual women teachers.
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