Casual explanation of creativity based on cultural values: the mediating role of motivation and emotion
Subject Areas : TectonostratigraphySomayeh Esmaeliy 1 , razieh sheikheslami 2 *
1 - student / shiraz university
2 - shiraz university
Keywords: Creativity, Motivation, emotion, Cultural values,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to explain and investigated the effect of cultural values on students' creativity with the mediating role of motivation and emotion. 574 students of Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz who were studied in 2014-2015, were selected by cluster random sampling method and completed this questionnaires: cultural values (Sivadas et al, 2008), work preference (Amabile et al, 1994), positive and negative affect (Bradshaw, 2009) and creativity (Abedi, 1993). Data was analyzed by using SPSS-22 and Amos-22 software. The results of structural equation model by using Amos-22 software showed that the final model has suitable fitness to research data. The results of path analysis showed that individualistic values through reducing negative affect and collectivistic values through increasing intrinsic motivation, have positive effect on creativity. In sum, the results of this research indicate the important and demonstrated role of cultural values, intrinsic motivation and negative emotions in creativity.
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