The Psychometric Properties of Career Anchor Questionnaire in Iran Gas Transmission Company Managers.
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
azadeh askari
reyhane rahmatjoo
1 - Psychology Group, Shahid Beheshti University.
2 - shahid beheshti University.
3 - Shahid Beheshti university
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Psychometric, Career, Career Anchor,
Abstract :
Introduction: Career management is a process by which employees design and evaluate their own career plans. This article examines the Career Anchors Inventory (CSI) psychometric properties among the manager of Iran Transmission Gas Company. Method: The sample includes 505 managers who were conveniently selected from ten districts of the Iran Transmission Gas Company and answered Schein career anchors inventory. The CSI has been designed by Edgar Schein and concludes 48 items. Answers to these items then can lead to determination of the anchors which are originally classified into 8 categories: Autonomy and independence, pure challenge, entrepreneurship and creativity, general managerial competence, lifestyle, security and stability, service and dedication and technical/functional competence. Findings: After collecting data, LISREL was used to statistically fit the measurement model. The model fitted well with the data. Cronbach alpha calculated for the whole scale and Guttmann reliability coefficient for the inventory were 0.89 and 0.85. Testing questionnaire’s reliability using these two coefficients testified stability and reliability. Results (Discussion): The Farsi version of the CSI has sufficient validity and reliability too and can be used to demonstrate a satisfactory image of an individual’s career orientations.
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