Factor structure and psychometric properties of Persian version of cognitive flexibility of Dennis, Vander Wal and Jillon
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphyمهدیه Kohandani 1 , Kh Abolmaali Alhosseini 2 *
1 - MA in Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University- Roudehen Branch.
2 - Member of faculty- Department of Psychology- Islamic Azad University-Roudehen Branch
Keywords: "Cognitive flexibility", "Reliability", "Factor structure",
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of cognitive flexibility questionnaire (Dennis and Vander Wal, & Jillon, 2010) among the staff on duty at the air defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Four hundred and ninety participants were selected randomly via the multi-stage method and completed the cognitive flexibility and Beck questionnaire. The scores of 245 participants were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, and the scores of 245 participants were analyzed by a confirmatory factor analysis. The findings showed that the items of this questionnaire (19 items) assigned to the two factors. These two factors were named as the process of problem-solving (with 13 items) and perception of controllability (with 6 items). The internal consistency of total score of this questionnaire and its two factors, problem-solving process and perception of controllability, were obtained 0/893 and 0/779 and 0/81 respectively. The total score of cognitive flexibility and its components, problem-solving process and perception of controllability, had a significant relationship with the total score of Beck depression test which was equivalent to -0/6650, -0/5770, -0/597, respectively. Also, CFI, RMSEA, AGFI and normed Chi-square indexes showed the goodness of fit the model with collected data.
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