The mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between social skills and social adjustment among adolescents
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphyمعصومه Behamin 1 , مریم Kouroshnia 2 *
1 - کارشناسی ارشد روانشناسی تربیتی
2 - faculty mamber / Azad university
Keywords: Cooperation, Social adjustment, loneliness, Empathy, Social skills (Expression, Self-control),
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between social skills and social adjustment among adolescents. In this study 286 female students were selected by multistage random cluster sampling method from high school students in BandarAbbas and completed the Social Skills Rating System )SSRS(, the Loneliness Feeling Scale (LFS) and the Adjustment Inventory for high School Students (AISS). The path analysis supported the partial meditational role of loneliness in the relationship between expression, empathy and self-control skills and social adjustment. In this study, these implications have been discussed.
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