The relationship between family flexibility and academic vitality: the mediating by cognitive emotion regulation
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
Karim Sevari
Roghayeh Tarahi
Sakineh Qanavati
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Payame Nour University
2 - M A. Educational Psychology, Payame Noor University, Iran.
3 - M A. Educational Psychology, Payame Noor University, Iran.
Keywords: Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Family Flexibility, Academic vitality,
Abstract :
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between family flexibility and academic vitality mediated by cognitive emotion regulation among high school students in the city of Mahshahr, Khuzestan.
Method: The statistical population of the research involved all the male and female junior and senior high school students in Mahshahr in the academic year 2021-22. In this context, 372 individuals were selected using available sampling method. The research instruments included Garnfsky et al. (2001)’s Discipline-Seeking-Cognitive-Emotion questionnaire, Hossein Chari and Dehghani-Zadeh (2012)’s Academic Vitality scale, and Shakeri (2003)’s Family Flexibility questionnaire. SPSS software, version 26, was used to analyze the descriptive data and correlation matrix and AMOS software, version 26, was used to test research hypotheses and model through path analysis.
Findings: Based on the research findings, the research model fits well with the collected data. Family flexibility had a direct and positive effect on academic vitality and cognitive emotion regulation had a direct and positive effect on academic vitality. Moreover, family flexibility through the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation exerted an indirect positive effect on the academic vitality.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that in order to increase students’ academic vitality, special attention should be paid to family flexibility and cognitive regulation of their emotions.
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