An Analytical Study the Effect of Globalization on Labor Market
Subject Areas : Business ManagementHossein Mirzaeih 1 , Habib Aghajani 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Payame Noor Shabestar University
2 - Academic member of Islamic Azad University, Osku
Keywords: Employment, Economic Growth, Globalization, Labor market, Unemployment, Asian Countries,
Abstract :
Among the four economy markets, the labor market plays a pivotal role in establishing relations between supply and demand as well as in balancing the mass economic variables like employment. The socio-economic consequences of the balance in labor market are of great importance for economists and policy makers. A direct consequence of such balance is the prevention of costs waste resulting from unemployment. Employment is a significant parameter in economic development, income distribution, and human self-esteem. On the contrary, unemployment causes a number of abnormalities with a wide range of economic, social and political aftermaths. Governments also consider unemployment as an important economic phenomenon and try to find solutions for this problem. It is observed that all countries, whether developed or developing, come across unemployment. The population structure of Asian countries and a great number of labor forces and lack of proper facilities have made unemployment the most important socio-economic problem. Globalization tends to influence the labor market structure, and (un)employment. As the developing countries play roles in labor market, they should be considered as an effective variable in the labor market.
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